
I am so, so, so into real-estate porn (a very easy way to get me to not do work is to put one of these listing on my FB page), and I wanted this apartment more than I want to breathe. Gigantic, in a legendary building and owned by one of the most famous and amazing women to ever work in film; what more could you ask?

Actually what is even worse than that is that even if he does get kicked out of office (please oh please let this happen), a large swath of our population will never, EVER believe the reasons it was done to be the truth. They will always think he was railroaded and never given a real chance, and that WE were the ones

I think I may love you.

Thanks very much. I had determined this, I thought, but always great to have support. He is truly an asshole.

Wow, looking at my comments on other posts. You just might be the saddest troll who ever lived. Allow me to repeat: Go fuck yourself.

Thanks. Was merely trying to make a point about how sad it is that St. Barth’s has lost its hip quotient among fickle celebs because of the hurricanes, even though things aren’t even remotely as bad as, say, Puerto Rico. I love people who just want to die on a hill of being right no matter what.

Again, there are plenty of places on the island with zero indication of post-hurricane issues. Business as usual. Beaches are swept, hotels, restaurants and nightclubs are open. Instead of supporting a much-needed rebound, celebs can’t be bothered to find out everything is OK.

You sound like you have such a kind heart. Oh, and PS: Go fuck yourself, troll.

You clearly have never lived in a place that relies on hospitality as a key component of its economy. Likely you’ve never worked in the hospitality industry, either. You have a fantastic New Year.

Your grandma sounds awesome. My grandfather likewise grew up in the Depression, and while he was a Reagan and Bush Republican, I also know he would have thought Trump to be an utter idiot and a charlatan, and would’ve HATED that he was a draft dodger. I can’t express how deeply I wish he were still here so I could

Nice analogy, but it’s not like the island is uninhabitable. Plenty of places are open and accepting guests. But instead of dropping some money there and helping the economy get back on its feet, a bunch of spoiled rich folk would rather head someplace where there’s less hassle and inconvenience.

I read someplace that St. Barth’s is no longer the preferred spot this year because the island isn’t back up to speed after hurricane season. Nice, right? Way to spend your money where it’s needed, celebs!

Nope, they did it in person. Their polling station is just a couple of blocks from their house. And they live in an area with a lot of senior citizens, so the polling workers probably didn’t think twice about letting her walk him into the voting booth.

Thank you! Hope you do as well :)

My best friend’s husband voted for Trump, another situation in which it’s not even brought up when we’re all in the same room, mainly for my friend’s sake. He tried to bring up the “tax cuts” as a good thing when we saw each other at Christmas, and she rolled her eyes and shut that down.

Good points all, and among the reasons I tolerate it as long as I can, and then just leave the room, typically while making sure they know I’m pissed.

It’s like you were in the room!

I really want to pursue that idea, but as I’ve said elsewhere in this thread, my dad is dealing with health issues, and he has no idea any of this is going on. I wouldn’t be able to live with the idea that I wasn’t there for him. The rest of them at this point, they can kiss my ass. But I’m also not going to be the

Thank you. It really was quite an education, an up-close look at just how delusional his base is — they are eating it all up, and we’re just the assholes standing in his way.

My dad has mobility issues, so she was allowed to help him to the booth. From there, she just went ahead and cast his vote. I guarantee you that at this point my dad has absolutely no idea who Trump is. I thought about reporting my mother for voter fraud, but I researched it, and in the state in which they live, what