
Alcohol helps enormously. Also, don’t be afraid to spend as little time with them as possible. Do enough so you’re there for the big stuff, but every other time, GTFO of the house. Also, turn on MSNBC, and turn it up REALLY LOUD if they’re in another room. Especially when Rachel Maddow is on. This will kill them.

I really only went home for my dad. He has Alzheimer’s and has faded a lot in the last couple of years. He still knows who I am, thankfully, though that’s not a constant. I won’t abandon him, but when he’s gone, I will be rethinking my choices with regard to my family. I wish I could say I wasn’t serious about that,

Nope, she paid money for it. I saw the Amazon shipping order. Evidently she got her hands on one before, as Lewandowski thinks, they “refused” to restock it.

Oh, plenty of times I didn’t hold my tongue. Lots of me saying I thought my family was smarter than that and leaving the room. Lots of saying that I shouldn’t have to watch Fox News while opening Christmas presents (not kidding). Lots of saying that hopefully someday they’ll actually realize what a criminal he is and

First day home after being with the relatives for 12 days. Twelve. Fucking. Days. I love my family, but they went out of their way to not make that easy. My mom gave my aunt a copy of Let Trump Be Trump. The fucking Corey Lewandowski book. My mother fucking put money in that asshole’s pocket. And then it was like a

This. During the run-up to the general election, and even before he became the Republican candidate, I watched in disbelief as CNN and MSNBC ran every single one of his rallies live. If he farted, they covered it. It was mystifying. They did not do the same with HRC. It’s also the reason I stopped watching CNN,

As literally the only member of my family who didn’t vote for him, and who has to still listen to their crap about how they think he’s doing a good job, it kills me to have to agree with you.

Sometimes I still can’t believe that this is where we are, stuck with this idiot clown. It is amazing to me that we went from being an admired country to one that is now largely derided throughout the world. Because of one fucking guy in less than one year.

Omifuckinggod, are they implying size 6 is large, and therefore wow it’s great that Mandy Moore is “comfortable” with it? Please tell me that’s not it. Please.

I’ve never wanted a time machine more. So very much, I wish we were 20 years into the future, both to be past this mess and to live in a society that reviles this orange gasbag as not only the worst president in our history, but the worst American as well.

In my job, I occasionally have found myself in the presence of famous or wealthy people (sometimes they are both) who for whatever reason feel like they need to use the bulk of their time to prove to anyone who enters their orbit that they’re famous and/or wealthy. It is seriously fucked up.

Your dad sounds like my dad. I was raised to say please and thank you and to be respectful of my elders and to try to be a decent person all around.

Sorry, sometimes I believe a fair fight means taking off the gloves and stooping to their level. Because they are never, EVER going to rise up to our level. They are never going to be kind to us. They are never going to be fair to us. And I disagree with your premise wholeheartedly: Many of these people, from the top

You’ve posted this comment multiple times. Sometimes people who are outright, provably shitty get to be called names. If I want to call Ivanka Trump an icy, calculating bitch whose frozen, botox’d face doesn’t betray how terrified she is that the pipsqueak father of her children is going to jail, I’m not going to be

I am so so so so so so so SO VERY SICK of people pulling the “I told you so” or re-litigating the election and Hillary’s mistakes. FUCKING SICK OF IT.

And don’t forget, it’s almost time to spend the holidays with our Trump-voting relatives! Just fucking kill me.

I can’t be alone in thinking she tossed his paperwork in the shredder the second he left, right? I mean, great that he has photographic evidence, but we can’t trust this woman as far as we could throw her, surely …

I’m so fucking depressed tonight. This country has totally gone to shit. Do not want to stick around.

I really like Franken. I’m so mad at him. But yeah, we have to become the party of zero tolerance, not one iota of mistake or indiscretion. They can be the party of criminals, perverts and assholes.

Fuck that. He was fired for cause. There HAS to be a morals clause in his contract. NBC may have overlooked his behavior for way too long, but they weren’t complete idiots. This guy deserves NOTHING, and NBC and his lawyers KNOW IT.