
So, adults-only as in Hedonism on the High Seas, or adults-only like, for example, the TransAtlantic crossing on the Queen Mary 2, which is really nice and chill and (for the most part) elegant, and too expensive to think about bringing kids along. The latter sounds great, the former sounds like going to a Sandals

That’s true; I looked at his upcoming projects on IMDb; a couple with just lovely titles: “Paris Call Girl” and what may or may not be a remake of “The Last American Virgin.” Either that or Ratner just decided to veer into straight-up porn.

In the early days Ratner had this vibe of just being movie-obsessed, this nice Jewish kid from Miami Beach who managed to achieve his dream. Fast-forward past the success of Rush Hour, and from there he decided only models deserved his company. Not a new story. And he still attempts the nice guy act, just less often,

As a producer, not as a director. Look at all the “women’s films” Weinstein produced while being an utter dirtbag.

It disturbs the ever-loving crap out of me. The only difference is that none of these guys have people willing to believe their lies. For Drumpf, the idiots willing to swallow the bullshit he shovels still stands at a solid 33 percent. We will literally need the pee tape plus video of him saying all his supporters are

Thank you. Isn’t there a Sex and the City line — maybe from Miranda? — about how there’s one woman out there who loved whatever it was they were discussing (maybe the ep when the guy wants Carrie to pee on him?), and then all other women had to pay for that one woman loving that gross thing …

Good. He’s always been an asshole. I mentioned in another post that I did a photo shoot with him — he was dating a model at the time, and we were shooting in a public space. His big idea was for her to do it nude in this public space, with no mention of any area being curtained off so the public wouldn’t be able to

I did a photo shoot with Brett Ratner. Believe every word about him. He’s a creepy asshole who thinks he’s entitled to every model and/or actress within his reach because he works in Hollywood and he’s a name.

There’s a lot about Italy’s legal system that’s just plain awful. A friend of mine (who lives there) had a bunch of money stolen from him from someone who worked in his company, and the attitude from the authorities was, “It will take so long to prosecute this, you should just forget it.” It was six figures. And he

I actually remember being entertained by The Apprentice early on. I’m so fucking mad at myself now for that. He was always a massive, gaping asshole, but we actually, as a society, found him entertaining. We invited the fucking devil into our homes.

I’m trying hard not to rewrite history, because man I hated GWB, but now I find myself actually looking at him with downright affection when I see him on TV. WTF.

I went to update my insurance — before realizing I had to wait until Nov. 1 — and I swear, they’ve made it harder and much more of a runaround this year. Fuckers.

I’ve gotten so quick with the remote, it’s amazing. But not until I’ve flipped off the TV and yelled “Fuck you!” My poor neighbors.

I try to not read his tweets unless everyone is RT’ing him, which I kind of hate also. He’s such a fucking narcissist; even with all the hatred, you know he loves the attention. I know we do a lot of Hitler comparisons, but honestly, is he the biggest American fuckwad ever? More than McCarthy? More than J. Edgar? I

These fucking assholes will never, ever, EVER tell us the truth about anything. Those who voted for him really honestly can go fuck themselves.

Please, please, please let it be Manafort, Kushner and Junior. The second those names are announced, I am heading to Trump Tower to fucking dance with glee on Fifth Avenue.

Sometimes I feel like I could literally weep for missing him so much.

Definitely this. He’s an asshole. For more proof, see: He’s besties with Kelly Ripa. Another asshole.

Jesus Christ he’s so fucking awful in literally every single fucking situation.

In other news, remember when Page Six tried harder?