
Does anyone other than absolute nutjobs even remotely care about this? Honest question.

I just stayed in a really nice hotel in Paris, and one morning realized I had bites on my ankles. We are safe no place at all. It sucks.

Ugh. I hate this. She was so lovely — they’re never going to get someone who will take me out of, “That’s not her!” not that Susan Sarandon or Jessica Lange did that either — and she lived such a tragic life between battling mental illness and tuberculosis. I hate the thought of seeing the Ryan Murphy-ization of that.

The tan also doesn’t help. It both ages the skin and makes it look more wrinkly in spots like that.

These people are so blindly loyal, it’s positively mind-boggling.

It’s ONLY because of the media that Trump was made to send the check. If not for the media, that poor guy would never have gotten his story out, and Trump wouldn’t have been shamed into making good on a promise. Fuck Sarah Sanders, I’m so sick of her bullshit.

No, because surely one of Trump’s minions will convince the guy that he has to pose with the check with a big smile on his face. You know, after losing his son. Because Team Trump needs something, anything, that they could even remotely consider a win.

Trump just reeks of “The check is in the mail.” He stinks of it like bleu cheese left out in the warm summer sun next to a sewage treatment plant.

Trump bombed the high road a long time ago. I’m fine with the low road, because it’s still higher than the shit trench he has dug for himself.

Has anyone seen her and Hope Hicks together recently? Also, can someone confirm that Mels installed a spray-tanning booth in the glam room we paid for? Cuz that definitely looks like Brazil #4, not her usual shade.

She’s younger than me, and my ankles are way prettier. Just saying.

Good god almighty I want this story to be true.

I’d prefer a stroke that happens in the dead of night. As in tonight.

I was on Twitter talking about how now is the time to bring up all the women who accused Trump of sexual assault and harassment, and man, you should have seen how I got Twitter-mugged. You’d think I posted a video of myself kicking puppies. It was merciless. Yet even more disappointing: I had to go the account of each

Among all the awful, awful things this shitbag has done and said, is this the worst? I honestly think it might be.

Convenient memory loss in a family member is not uncommon. I get it a lot from my mother when I bring up something shitty Trump has said or done, and how it differs from something said or done previously that she supported. “Well, I don’t remember that.” She can’t seem to realize how infuriating that answer is, and

A friend of mine recently told me that she has refused to be in the same room with the wolf/dog, that she’s told the owner that she’s afraid of it. And the owner has done nothing, still has it. I love dogs, but this is a whole other level.

It always seems especially egregious on Property Brothers. Is the difference Canada? Is it the value of the dollar? Do people just make more money there?

Right before the mortgage bubble burst, a loan company was trying to tell me I could qualify for a $1 million loan. I looked at houses, and the realtor was trying to sell me, hard. I’m so glad I didn’t do it. Less than a year later my company merged with another, and I had to move to another city, and I shudder to

I wish someone would do a very real behind-the-scenes story on how the numbers work. Because I’m right there with you; they make it sound so freaking easy, and as we know in the real world, it so is not.