
I live in New York and am therefore a renter. I’d love to own an apartment here, but if you want to live in Manhattan, you’re looking at $1 million to start if you don’t want a closet/shithole. So trust me, I can relate.

I don’t, either, but clearly plenty of people just want to think the worst of everyone. I already know Trump is an utter and complete piece of shit, and Harvey is a horrible creep, but I’d prefer to think there are other people in the world who aren’t as horrible as either of them.

Wait, are we saying Meryl Streep knew? Meryl Streep is saying she didn’t know. I’m guessing you’re just assuming Meryl Streep is lying?

I just always watch these shows in complete awe of the budgets that “average” couples throw out there when they seem to have very mediocre jobs. “Hi! I’m in IT and my wife is a schoolteacher. Sure, we’ve been living with her parents for three years and are ready to kill each other over not having any space or privacy,

I hope Georgina Chapman leaves his sorry ass. A gorgeous, smart woman, talented and accomplished. So many rumors in Hollywood that A-list women wore Marchesa on red carpets as a way to suck up to Weinstein — maybe that was true in the beginning, but Chapman and Keren Craig have more than built a solid business since

A friend of mine freelances for that magazine and said it’s already a nightmare. Never give a magazine to someone who knows nothing about what it takes to produce a magazine. Overnight they surely will turn into the world’s worst version of Anna Wintour.

I’m just fine with one less show that’s about finding a home for a couple who explains, “I’m the night manager at a Denny’s, and my wife works three days a week at a pre-school. The budget for our first home is $2.1 million.”

Was it this one? If so a) it was Gucci, and b) I totally agree …

Thank you! Yes, I do, actually …

How the fuck does Cyrus Vance Jr. still have a job?!? Where the fuck is Schneiderman on that one?

Gosling made the right call. If he’s going to do a contract, it should be with Gucci (though Harry Styles pretty much has that locked up), Tom Ford (who says he doesn’t do contracts, but gimme a break) or Salvatore Ferragamo — Gosling has actually worn the latter enough times on red carpets that it’s assumed he was

Almost every relative I have is a Trump supporter. One family member used my father and cast his vote for Trump for him, in addition to their own Trump vote. (I’d like to say this is illegal, but unfortunately in the state in which they live, it’s not, amazingly.) My dad has Alzheimer’s though, for now, he still knows

Thank you! I loved the first movie; it made me remember how much I missed the show, and it was a good story. Five minutes into the sequel, I was like, ugh, this is just going to suck; it was though it had become a parody of itself. No one I know liked the sequel. No one I know was clamoring for #3. And I work in

Her smug, Botox’d face inspires such a rage stroke. I don’t care how long it takes, I just can’t wait to rejoice when the whole Trump & Co. grifter lot has been kicked out, indicted, jailed, shunned, stripped of all finances and any shred of remaining dignity, and spit upon, figuratively and literally. FUCK FUCK FUCK

In some cases these guys are super aggressive and practically knock people down in pursuit of a shot, especially if it’s someone famous. This has happened to me outside the shows downtown on Washington. No one should feel bad for them.

I have way too many relatives who voted for this asshat. One went off on a group text the other day about her disgust over kneeling players. Trump spoke her language last night and I’m sure made her really happy, which means she’s going to be that much more insufferable as the holidays approach.

Prediction: Ratings for games tomorrow skyrocket, because everyone wants to tune in to see who does or doesn’t kneel.

Every holiday for the last two years has been ruined by Trump arguments. OK, not really ruined, but brought to a very tense, awful moment that then must be walked back. And it’s always the same: I sit there and listen silently to their stupid shit, how awful Obama and Hillary were/are, and then some idiotic statement

Ugh, wait. Are people calling Kaia Gerber a fucking icon already?!!? Please tell me that’s not true. Gorgeous girl, seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Her mother is an icon. Kaia is not.

Thanks. It’s appreciated. No snark. :-)