
I am depressed all the time. I fight with family all the time. I’m the only one in my family who didn’t vote for Trump. I see how corrupt he and his minions are, and the blind loyalty of people I thought I was close to just depresses the crap out of me. I think about moving to Canada, and then think, NO, why the fuck

I’ve been so Emperor’s New Clothes about Gucci the past couple of seasons. At first Alessandro’s stuff seemed fresh, now it just seems tacky as all hell, and not improving. Hard pass.

I worked for an utter asshole who put all his kids on the payroll, even if they weren’t even remotely qualified. It was easy to tell that one of the kids had a complex about it, while one of the others was an entitled douchebag. The asshole and his wife would take vacation trips and figure out ways to “do business” so

Some rich motherfuckers stay rich or get richer because they never spend a dime of their own goddamned money. Not all of them. Many are very philanthropic — and as has already been proven, Trump is not.

Sinatra never got over her. Imagine having that kind of effect on a guy like that.

I just called McCain and a few others to say no way are you guys doing this to us. And it was really easy to get through. During McConnell’s bill, the lines were always busy. This time, got through each number on first try.

I love Elisabeth Moss but man I hated that Prabal Gurung dress. It didn’t look like it fit her, and you could tell she was self-conscious about the strapless neckline and her cleavage. And the color did nothing for her skintone. And the circle skirt wasn’t doing her hips any favors — sure way to add inches to your

Nothing about that event inspired me to buy something new. Also because I have zero interest in emojis/animojis or AR gaming because I’m, you know, not 14. Happy with the camera on my 7 Plus, don’t feel the need to run out and get the new one. Thanks for saving me money this year, Apple!

I can say with confidence, for the first time ever, that I have zero burning desire to run right out and buy a new Apple product the second it’s available. I have a 7S and am happy to stick with that until 2019 …

None of these old farts realizes just how sensitive your phone’s touchscreen is these days. Same with Trump and his likes - also, I have a theory 70-year-old Trump is blind as a bat and needs glasses, but is too vain to wear them.

I feel like I’m too old to be liking Harry Styles, but I have to love that he covered The Chain, not only because it’s a great song, but perhaps it will steer some of his age-appropriate fans toward Fleetwood Mac’s music. And if they took a few minutes to explore the utter and wonderful mess that was going on behind

Fun factoid: Once you got into the ballroom where the event was actually taking place, the first thing you couldn’t help but notice was that it reeked of pot. So Carrey likely found a reason to enjoy himself once inside.

Because his fear of being thought irrelevant in Hollywood supersedes his opinion that the event was bullshit.

I volunteered at a Humane Society in the city I used to live in, and mainly was able to do so because it was a no-kill shelter. Don’t think I could have handled it otherwise. Though in the training they teach you about what “humane” really means with respect to so many scenarios. Still, really tough gig.

I think it might be @dog_rates? The underscore matters, evidently there’s a whole thing about this account and copycats …

Omigosh, head down, eyes up in the top photo? Spitting image of Diana.

When my mother’s 401k starts to suffer because he’s just shit all over everything and the stock market starts tanking, that’s when Trump voters like my mother will actually start to care. Until then, at least one more rage-filled Thanksgiving dinner.

I keep trying to concentrate on that day, hopefully sooner than later, when he’s no longer in office and widely regarded as the worst POTUS in our history. It will happen; it’s just a matter of when, and how strong we can be in the meantime.

It’s not just money. It’s about undoing absolutely everything Obama ever did. These racist fucks aren’t even trying to hide it.

Seems to have been fixed. But on a somewhat related note, I went to post a comment on Washington Life’s site about the hideous styling and retouching on this story, only to find that — of course! — they aren’t accepting comments for the story. Everyone’s blocked from posting. Figures.