
There is no Oops! I never said he wasn’t. I only said it was sick to ask the question.

It was all there. Fuel. Food. Supplies. It was all sitting at the ports....rotting away. The problem was they couldn’t get it from the ports to the people. That is all widely known. Not really sure what else could be done? Or why it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone has power? We tried. They failed.

You’re sick in the head, you know that? People are dying and the first thing you want to do is pin it on a Repub to make yourself feel better.

I still wouldn’t want to be switching back and forth. But yes... both would be ideal. FP is just too fast to not use. I’d want the lasers for animoji, not much else.

You can get on swappa and save over a hundred on a new(retail) right now. In a month or so.....

You can do that with Assistant. ‘reduce volume 30%’.

If you want to save money, buy the s8 now, or in a couple of weeks. You will start seeing them for $400. Also... I bought a mint note8 on swappa three weeks after release for 820. Sold it three weeks later for 800. The thing about Samsungs... is there are a lot of them out there. You can get a brand new(retail) s9+ on

I get tired of ‘could’ being thrown in on stories like this. It’s a buzz word to make people think things are definite. Like Comcast COULD make you pay more to view Netflix.

This article lost me at repealing. It’s Nancy fucking Reagan all over again. Pour in billions to do absolutely nothing. I reckon now that cannabis is pretty much a moot point in the law, might as well shift those resources to opiods.

That was the point of line item veto powers. Unfortunately Trump rubber stamps EVERYTHING that comes across his desk. It totally pisses me off. And yes... I voted for him.

They weren’t predicting three and now a possible fourth Noreastern a month ahead.

That would be Hemp.

I could see hem stopping the addition of more nicotine, but not take it away as a whole. I roll my own. All natural. Decent smelling. Tastes great. And it does the job just fine.

I don’t understand how you can say all of that with a straight face. Especially on a Gawker site. I am not saying they (Fox) don’t do exactly what you are saying. It is more of a how convenient of you to not mention that everybody does it. And that it is becoming a real problem.

This is BS. They should be paying for credit monitoring until the day we die. I shouldn’t have to freeze and unfreeze my credit anytime I want to do something substantial.

Still not as ‘snappy’ as OnePlus. That thing does have one hell of a camera on it.

You explained that way better than I have in the past. People are so stuck on co2, they don’t realize that there is something else that needs to be fixed.

Wouldn’t that be nice. Gonna need an AR-15 though. lol.

I was just talking with my brother about this. Please note that both of us are animal lovers. But. If these are countries where they allow people to come in for big game hunting, and someone pays to go and be an absolute dick, then who are we to stop them from bringing their trophy back? It would be a source of income

Yeah this is no good. I have to wonder what it is that caused him to change his mind. What ‘buddy’ of his it was that wanted to import elephant trophies. /rhetorical