
The '65 Continental from the Matrix.

Dude. Giugiaro hasn't done anything good since the DeLorean.

Totally depends on the car.

From the Dept. of You Knew It Was Coming.

Oh man now it gets hard.... another Buick to knock off? Or the Porsche Pacer?

@teargas: Yeah, yeah. I know. There's always an exception. But the custon Buick streamliner isn't the one in this here car-hole, now is it?

Fire away. Fire away.

Nothing with Buick in its name belongs in anyone's fantasies. Not now, not ever.

Bertone Slim Redux.

Audi wins another, far as I can see. It was a tough call until that last picture.

The maverick gets my vote because there's no '76 MustangII Cobra.

As much as I may hate driving in this town, I still smile every time I strap into the MR2, after 2 1/2 years of driving it. Top up or down. It's like getting into a little airplane, every time.

Mr. Lamm is one righteous dude.

In the US? Austin, TX. I've never seen anything like this place. The northeast may be full of assholes driving too fast, but you can anticipate assholery. Arbitrary retardation, however, is unpredictable and frightening, for those of us who actually know how to drive.

Plus it looks like he just took a football to the junkal region, or something.

Oh, man. I saw that headline and all I could think of was No One Wants to Play Sega with Harrison Ford.

@Al Navarro: Seriously— I asked this a few weeks ago. WTF happened to DGJ??