
@acarr260: Can't possibly front on that. Yeah, far as real cars (not concepts) go, a boattail speedster is tough to beat, except maybe by one of those wooden- bodied Hispano-Suizas, or something.

Audi Avus.

Even though I'll probably get a come-out-of-the-closet comment thrown my way, too, I'll go out on a limb and say the 3rd-gen MR2. Been drving one daily for two and a half years. Only problem is how hard it is to see around the dinosaurmobiles around here.

Borman nailed it.

Even though, technically, only the engine's German, is this not the definition of bruce?

@MrSpyder: It's funny. I first saw the mrs at the Detroit show in 2000. hated it. Didn't really think about it again until I was a couple years out of design school, and went looking for a car. I've been driving it for over 2 years now (an '01), and I still can't believe Toyota actually made a car that good. I freakin

@Rust-MyEnemy: Might be too young to know the aforementioned chaps, then. Oh well.

@Beluga: Avantime! Yes. That thing's freakin brilliant.

Old cars: Porsche 914. Definitely not pretty. Crazy fun.

@Rust-MyEnemy: Love the XB-70 picture. When were you at Coventry? I've worked with a couple chaps who went there.

@1300ccsoffury: Hand party! That's exactly the phrase I was looking for, when talking about design school projects.

Oh, I like imginary cars, too— I went to car design school, after all. Heck, I generally prefer the imaginary ones to the real ones. It's just hard to watch when people respond to some kid's model as if it were, well, anything other than a kid drawing a car.

Dear Jalopnik: Please stop posting student projects.

@tr: you just said everything i was going to.

The Better Off Dead Camaro.

All I want to know is: WTF happened to Davey G? This has been bugging me for some time.

David Foster Wallace jokes and [once-] luxo cars without ostentatious grilles make me swoon.

Good God: Gorgeous.