
It's the frequency of the LEDs in the tail lights vs. the frame rate of the camera. To the naked eye, they seem continuously lit.

Love those laser disc wheels.

@the Jalops:

I can't see Luke in anything but an AMC Eagle. Maybe it's the paint jobs. Maybe my childhood.

Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket.

Word. Isn't that what racing's for?

The R8. I gotta say I didn't like that car until I saw the press shots of it in white (I know, I know, blasphemy and all that) with the black panels.

Ken Okuyama (who was fired by Pininfarina) did those sketches on the wall behind Stephenson. He doesn't design anything, neither does Bangle.

@MeatFarley: dude. don't need to make it worse.

jeez, that's embarrassing.

oh, wow... i kept getting POST FAILED! TRY AGAIN LATER.

@Crashburn: Sure. What it should say is: a Porsche should have its engine behind the driver.

You do know that Tony Lapine is on record saying that he was inspired by the AMC Pacer, no?

You do know that Tony Lapine, who went on to head Porsche's design team, is on record saying that he was inspired by the AMC Pacer, no?

You do know that Harm Lagaay, who went on to head Porsche's design team, is on record saying that he was inspired by the AMC Pacer, no?

@Ed D: Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.


@ Ray Wert: Open wheel?
