
Most of this could be avoided if we just strengthened the ability to make someone pay your legal fees and damages if they file a frivolous lawsuit. Then this dude could just hire a team of lawyers, fight for as long as it takes to win the case, and make Monster foot the bill.

Neither the streamer nor the writer make the argument that Luffy himself is a socialist, but rather that the author and the work itself are. I’m not saying that there are no holes in their argument, just that this is a small but fundamental misunderstanding.

I don’t know if you’re read up to the current arc but I think it’s been made pretty clear to the readers that the system is corrupt at a fundamental level. Not just that there are bad people in charge, or that the nobility abuse their power, but that the very fundamental principles on which that system is based and

Do you honestly think “freedom” isn’t a political concept? Come on, man.

I hope Kinja didnt make this the size of a monitor...

Yeah 100% correct. The current arc centers on how the government burned books and committed genocide to hide information that reflected poorly on the institution itself.

the warlords of the sea are literally Pirate groups the government has given a pass to to commit atrocities so long as they bend the knee to the

The real loss that’s going to sail over most people’s heads isnt the announcements or trailers or any of that dumb hype bullshit that can be accomplished with a tweet or a youtube video like they’re already doing

I mean, it’s exactly that. Exclusivity for everything has always been their plan; there was literally no reason to buy up all the IP otherwise; this is just execs getting pissed off that they’re not getting their way instantaneously and saying the quiet part out loud because for the first time in probably decades

It’s hard for me to imagine writing a whole article based on a joke tweet by taking it way, way too seriously, but ok, here we are.

No one sane believes this is the end of the TRio.

No more Wii U slander! It was a great console with a really, really good library, and a cool, but underutilized gimmick. The UI was solid, Miiverse was funny, Nintendoland was a good pack-in game. Even the bad games on the console like Star Fox Zero, Devil’s Third, etc. are more joke worthy than actually hated.

Hot take: the Wii U was, and is, amazing—and would have been a hit if Nintendo hadn’t bungled its marketing and naming.

My understanding is that Booty is conspicuous in its absence in this movie

Idk they did Cappy, maybe next main series Mario game introduces Booty

Yoshi-P recently went on about how the western media had a very negative slant on Japanese works in the early 2000's, especially in regards to JRPG’s. People have in response been looking for evidence to corroborate this.

I don’t think Tarks’ tweet was intended to just get mad about the review. His comment makes it clear that he’s giving context to Yoshida Naoki objecting to the term JRPG, showing that in the past “JRPG” was at least sometimes treated with derision/racism.

As someone who was an adult in 2006 I can assure you that saying stuff like this was gross back then too.

And side note: who the FUCK is digging up 2006 game reviews to get angry about them!?

The article is just drenched in outrage. This is on par with the kind of burn-it-all-down writing you find in response to a tweet about how maybe a 25% tip for take-out is a bit much.

Them’s fightin’ words