
I’m confused. “She claims Nelly told her to ‘shut up’ and said he wanted to have sex with her without protection, which she says he did over her objections.”

This movie being nearly 3 hours long (over it if you count the ads before it) could not have done it any favors. I get sleepy just thinking about it lol

I didn’t know she was quitting music. Personally, I never found her to be all that great but with Toni making music again maybe she doesn’t want to compete

It’s a fake out. She’ll get the symbiote and her own spinoff movie as Gwenom

I can’t stand Jared Leto. I don’t understand what people see in him

Didn’t even know Tyra was dating. That guy looks like a cross between Gordon Ramsey and Ryan Seacrest. Confused the crap out of me lol

I remember one time considering getting an uber during surge pricing. I forget how high it was (certainly not 7.8x!) but it made me draw out the surge amount before confirming to make sure I understood. So it was 2.4, I had to use my finger to draw the 2 and 4. I would imagine that would kick in for something as high

So am I the only one that enjoyed Prince of Persia?

$5 says Sarah has a cousin named Rebecca

“white supremesests t”

You lost me at Jaden Smith

Maybe it’s because action figures weren’t really a staple of my youth but I’ll miss Toys R Us if it goes. I used to look forward to the big toy book every year and I still occasionally go there for nerf guns. Oh well

There may be a bunch out there that’s cheaper in price but I’m sure the quality is crap. This one looks to well made

There may be a bunch out there that’s cheaper in price but I’m sure the quality is crap. This one looks to well made

All I want is a Bad Company 3. Is that too much to ask for?

So I don’t really know much about the boards when it comes to sports but a board of governors? Seems pretentious.

I remember doing a report on this guy and corruption. Dude is despicable and deplorable

Just cancel it after your first delivery

Just cancel it after your first delivery

Question. If I’m understanding this story right it was the officer in the passenger side who shot her for whatever reason. What’s happening with the officer who was driving?

Did anyone notice she didn’t eat the food herself? She was clearly trying to poison someone and failed. Read between the lines people

I couldn’t tell you the last time I was in a Gap. Every time I go past it in the mall I’m shocked it’s still there.