I’m pretty sure that is one of the twins that Toni was holding.
I’m pretty sure that is one of the twins that Toni was holding.
...I’m sorry who is this?
I love Maroon 5 so I’m fine with this choice. And Cardi B is on one of their songs so she’ll probably make an appearance
Can’t wait, should be fun. I wish they were adding Bahamut to scratch that fatalis itch
Maybe someone can help me here. Do I need a stand to use a racing wheel?
Maybe someone can help me here. Do I need a stand to use a racing wheel?
It comes with Optiobs?! Must buy!!!
It comes with Optiobs?! Must buy!!!
I really want to like this game but I wish they'd do in more detail about all the classes. I really want to see storm in action
Wait. Why was the hotdog wrapped in duct tape?
I wonder if Rubio got credit for inspiring the androids in Detroit become human
I hate zombie games but Dying Light made see the fun in some of them. This looks like it will be fun like that, minus the parkour of course. Was not expecting a February date
Just a heads up your second link “10 samples of women’s skin....” leads to the mens grooming box, which is $20
Just a heads up your second link “10 samples of women’s skin....” leads to the mens grooming box, which is $20
Wait I’m misunderstanding something. He paid a fine and avoided prison right? So what good does a pardon do exactly in this case?
Man I could binge watch house all day. I learned all my medical knowledge from there. I may not know what something is but at this point I know when it’s not lupus
I could never stand this show personally
I had no idea he did music. What can’t this man do!
I have no clue who this McCain lady is or why I’ve been hearing so much about her but I love Michelle Wolf
The best stories always start with “Florida Man.” At this point I laugh every time I see the or think about the words without even knowing the story
Great review. I was undecided on this and I was hoping for a push in either direction on if I should get it. You were no help! Lol
The NFL is passing rules left and right this week. This and now no kneeling. I wonder what’s next
Not sure if I’m more shocked at the fact Tomi has a mom or that she’s named Trudy