
As much and I hate this news if they use Jonah’s uncle more I can live with it. By far my favorite character

Gotta disagree about the ghost voice. I hate the new voice. I wish we could’ve kept Dinkleage

Nice article but it needs a section about commenting and being downvoted into oblivion lol

I watched like 3 minutes of this and they were having a rap battle. It seems like a cute show

I’m more shocked that his name is LaMelo.

Never heard of this guy before today but every time I see him I think of Tim Allen in Home Improvement

Oh. I misread then. Thanks.

I wasn’t even aware a pardon could happen before being convicted

Finally more Bojack.

Now I’m sitting at work depressed all over again. I got over the ending just for it to come back with me feeling worse over the ending. I need a hug

Never heard of this but I’m sold

Never knew his name but I recognize him from the commercials for Supernatural. No idea he was nearly 40

I didn’t know I needed this today. I’m in tears at work from laughing at this.

I bought one of these a few months ago and it does a fine job. Just be warned if you have pets that they will probably screw with it lol. My dog hates it and my cats think it is a toy. Bottom line is I wouldn’t run it on auto with pets because they block the sensors

I bought one of these a few months ago and it does a fine job. Just be warned if you have pets that they will

I need to know your secret on how you managed to keep a straight face in class when that happened. I’m trying my hardest (and failing) not to bust out laughing at work just reading about it

And who had the brilliant idea again of sharing a stadium?

Serious question here as I don’t know Australia tax laws. Can any business there implement a tax for whatever whenever? I know here you could sued for that so I was just curious

So did the other guy eat the golf bag? Sounds like verbal contract to me. Take him to court!

I chose Superman 64 and I’d do it again to avoid watching a Zach Snyder movie

Nothing like drowning someone with your grandpa. You never forget that first one