This is awesome. I used to love this growing up. If it has the same quality as Voltron I’m all for it
This is awesome. I used to love this growing up. If it has the same quality as Voltron I’m all for it
With a title like that I thought someone forgot to tie the boat up and it drifted out to see and they couldn’t find it
I never understood the hype about shark week honestly
So what does it look like now? Does it look better?
I always thought it was Player vs Everyone but I guess environment makes more sense lol
I shouldn’t be watching these at work. I bust out laughing at the Battlefield 1 clip with the motorcycle. Now my coworkers think I’m crazy lol
I personally never understood the hype behind FFVII but too each their own. Persona 5 has consumed over 100 hours of my life so that would have to be my number 1
Is it just me or is this sentence confusing?
Weird photo. I didn’t even know Adam Levine was married
So let me get this straight. He’s mad about a truck in front of his house so he shoots the tire so that it can’t move? Is it cause the tires were black?
I died to this once not knowing exactly where to shoot. My best (worse?) death came from being crushed by those pods when you have fight the waves. Didn’t even see it coming lol
My question is what happened to the money that he took? He submitted incorrect financial reports, surely that has to be a punishable offense from a legal standpoint
So what you’re saying is never voice chat on the switch? Got it
“The competition’s $1000,000 prize pool”
Awesome! Best news I’ve heard all day. Now if we can just avoid them being delayed by a certain someone.....
I don’t know who Lana Del Ray is but the thought of a celebrity saying that to someone amuses me lol
That photo of your son tripped me out lol. I wasn’t sure if he was floating, sitting on the floor, or just really huge. I couldn’t see the counter for some reason
Glad I’m not the only one who thinks Will Smith is a bad idea. Aladdin is my favorite Disney so I hope they don’t screw this up
I hate the fact that people will go out of their way to ruin the fun of others. And for what?
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup. There. I said it