As someone who wrote RFP responses to state and local governments for speed cameras, red light and parking enforcement, and toll collection systems, I’m shocked the city is getting that much.
As someone who wrote RFP responses to state and local governments for speed cameras, red light and parking enforcement, and toll collection systems, I’m shocked the city is getting that much.
For every $50 fine paid, $17 goes to the city, and $33 goes to the camera company.
I honestly don’t like speed cams at all as I don’t think they really do anything, especially when you live close to another state or district (Hello DC!). But the fact that of the $50, the private company gets $33 is just insane. The money should mostly go to the city to then make the school zones safer, until ticket…
Or they’ll try against a late 80's Ford pickup. Judging by my dad’s the wooden brake pads mean you would end up parked in their back seat. Its easy to find some when they never leave because they are trying to remove a chrome bumper from their head.
I don’t condone this sort of vigilante justice, but I won’t condemn it either. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
It just seems to me like, the police could end this quickly. When there is a crime (and we get grainy surveillance videos), the public is asked to identify a certain car or suspect. In this case, they not only have both (on non-grainy video to boot), but they have licence plate info as well. This could be shut down,…
I’m sure Ford’s shareholders would rather this dude not gush about the competition, but you know what? Good for him. He’s driving the other guys’ cars and giving them an honest appraisal. I hope this car delivers some lessons for can use on their own offerings.
Small correction to the headline, but Xiaomi doesn’t build it, they contract that to BAIC who are an actual car company that has been around for decades. Still it’s kinda crazy that a smartphone company designed a car, and their first go at it is apparently really good. I wonder how much BAIC helped in that regard.
AA is interesting too. The gate agents keep blasting over the PA on how overheadbin space will run out if you’re in Group 7 or higher. It adds to the tension, makes people nervous, and they get jumpy because they went through the effort of only having a carryon and do NOT want to gate check it.
...whats wrong with stretching my legs while waiting to deplane?
Oh boy do I have a video for you.
Gate lice exist primarily because most people have little common sense and/or think they are above the rules due to their sense of entitlement. The gate attendants make so many announcements explaining the boarding rules yet half the people in the group 1 line either have no idea what boarding group they are in or are…
That’s stupid.
Please tell me what I’m missing because, clearly, I’m missing something here.
Because its a cool car from a great movie
It’s simple it’s for fans, you are not a fan therefore it is not for you. That said Doc making a time machine out of a Delorean, which everyone knew back then was a shit car, WAS the whole joke, Marty even says as much to Doc when he’d like “You made a time machine out of a Delorean?!” line in the movie. He took a car…
Hi. Gen X here. This entire article is why Boomers say Millennials are dipshits.