Mid-century Shithole

Art Vandelay is riling against a made-up person?

You might have missed it but that’s the car that won the 2023 Hot Wheels Legends and will become a Hot Wheels soon.

In case you feel like, say... looking up that company up and giving them a review or a call, do know there’s a company with a similar name in Arkansas and they’re getting slammed online while these criminals go free.

I don’t like Mullin but it really seems like O’Brien has #LittleManSyndrome as well.

That’s just not ok. 

This... isn’t wrong “For Americans, it was completely incomprehensible, too complicated, because they grew up in a different historical context, where everything was arranged: America is always good, the rest are the bad guys. And there are no complications.”

No, the root cause isn’t a manufacturer. Kia/Hyundai didn’t protect their cars enough, that’s a given, but the root cause is still people making the decision to still someone else’s property which is a very shitty thing to do.

Yeah... I understand there’s a lot of hate for rich people, but if more of his pals were to follow suite it would help at least a bit.

And he doesn’t even have to wear a respirator! Lucky

Thanks for restating the law and the article... that wasn’t the point. The point is that rule makes no sense here. OceanGate, responsible for the failure and the deaths, should be footing the bill. That money would be better spent on things like school programs, health services... or dozen of other things that would

It’s more like these events take themselves to areas where people are trying to just... live.

100% deserved to be kicked out and blacklisted from Southwest

I realize there’s been a lot of changes at Jalopnik recently, but is it turning into a Donut media repost site now?

Now if they could keep their actual planes up in the air...

Did Ford finally remove the annoying door chime? I get shivers just thinking about the last rental I got... tududu - tududu - tududu

Absolutely. One of my favorite special editions ever.

Exactly. Sounds like a Fox News clickbait

That sounds like the premise of a generic action movie a la “London has fallen”. All the world leaders are taken hostage. Joe slides on his aviators, injects some steroids, utters “I will not stand for malarkey” and goes save the day.

That Cadillac display hit me hard. I mean, that’s their hometown!

Camaro in the back, Mustang II in the front.