Mid-century Shithole

So you’re gonna wait 20 minutes or more for the police to show up while someone drive out with your car???

Damn, Jason, those are cool! I had no idea. I think the closest innovation (?) we have now is the treatment of the lights on the new Hyundai Tucson. Kinda. Like, if you see it in the right light as in their marketing images?

How can you be so DESPERATE for a new car? I understand you may need a “new to you” car, because maybe yours got totaled or something... but how are so many people in dire need of a NEW car? you can’t wait a few more weeks or months? That’s so baffling to me....

You must be fun at parties.

Me neither. Always though of them as a motel-novelty for the Quagmires of this world.

Well said. I’m with Torch.

Scrubbed through it. That Warren guy is awful. And the comments in the live-chat are abhorrent. It’s like trying to reason with QAnon cultists.

So. Many. Lines.

Might have to take you up on that! 

Mustard’s channel is awesome.

I dub thee the “platypus”.

Land Rover and Alfa, proving the cliches true once again.

Yeah, there was absolutely no reason for that. One of the weaker writers here.

Mad Maxican” cracked me up. I wanna see the Mexican version of Mad Max where dystopian heroes tear down the wall.

Awww, Van Halen!

Since Elon is a juggalo, maybe he should be the one buying it, then? Or maybe he could do the same thing to a Cybertruck, I’m not sure...

You mean the mildest, most vanilla sedan out there is gone? Awww

I have a buddy who worked for a dog groomer who dumped her as a client because she was too awful. 

It’s like The Office: didn’t do great at first then everyone realized how good it was.