They look really cool
They look really cool
That’s so many freaking buttons on that center stack... they look completely disconnected
Thanks for a great gallery!
Saw it in theatres... had to watch the trailer in the article to remember I had. So, no, not memorable. Fun, though!
The most surprising thing to me is how shoddy the craftsmanship look. The stitching on the center console, the excess carpet... that all wouldn’t fly today in cheaper cars.
I can definitely see the inspiration for the Boring Flamethrower now.
“At first sight, I thought “hey, that’s a shitty Photoshop, look at that chrome bar that’s way too thick...” Yikes.
I’d love to see an exhibit dedicated to engine sounds at the Petersen or at another major automotive museum, along with explanations as to why and how they sound the way they do.
I really wanted to see this in action... turns out you can watch the episode (Knights of the Fast Lane S3 E4) on NBC’s website.
Did that guy’s speedometer read 112mph in the video?
Why is that guy cheering about this?
I’ve always wondered how Rinspeed stayed in business all these years. Now I get it. Cocaine.
Looks like a student project in design school. That’s when you haven’t learned to master a 3D modeling tool, so you design with simple shapes like spheres and cubes and you don’t add any details.