
We don't even know if he's the first black stormtrooper.

I just rejoined the DVD by mail part of Netflix. I have a 15-year-old aspie who wants to catch up on the last 40ish years of cinema.

I mispunctuated that on, purpose.

I, also, pay only $7.99.

Upvoted with authority cuz I dig your avi.

I have never liked a comment harder and more forcefully

Between this column and the fact I'm a Bears fan, this season is looking good from a comedic standpoint!

Wow, NFL on the AV Club? A void in my life I didn't know existed just got filled.

I'm about as nerdy as they come and I wouldn't tune into this.

SPEWEY…don't you get it? It's a clever acronym for Special Person Entering the World…..Egg Yolk.

Anyone catch the verbiage on the sign of the lone "ascender" about halfway through the episode?

I'll be keeping this thread open in a separate browser.

Am I alone in thinking that this American Crime Story is going to be awful?

Am I alone in thinking that this American Crime Story is going to be awful?

Lemme know when you've had a chance to check it out!

I've given each of his specials 15 minutes to make me laugh and they both failed. Just watched Eugene Mirman's special on Netflix. That was a good time.

Was Aziz as painfully unfunny in person as he is on film?

Wear my downvote as a badge of honor

This has quickly become my favorite animated show, surpassing Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Steven Universe. I have to sometimes remind myself that I'm 43.

Easily my least favorite Mann film, primarily due to a miscast Hemsworth. Still, no one does cityscapes like Mann, and Viola Davis is superb.