
Maybe that's why I'm liking this season. I'm a Mann fanboy.

I'm watching a lot of older movies with my 15-year-old Aspie son. He has held up quite well, enjoying even such "dated" fare as the original Mad Max and Terminator films. I got a chuckle at having to explain a cassette Walkman to him.

I need to know that there are others like me out there. I find his standup to be PAINFULLY unfunny.

thanks to @avclub-b8b0e9685190772ecdb089f0b4a0369f:disqus and @disqus_g1mssakybo:disqus for one of the more enlightening and polite discussions I've ever had on these boards.

Also, great avatar!

Yeah, I see what you're saying. I believe a certain level of governance is required, but its hard to argue with most of their core principles, i.e. less power to the state and more power to the individual.

I'm pretty live and let live, and I don't tend to define myself as a textbook libertarian. I just happen to be a pretty big subscriber to the "no victim, no crime" mindset.

Don't mind if I do! Seriously, though, have a great day.

Yeah, damn those libertarians! How dare they fight for equal rights for all, as evidenced by their platform plank of being in favor of marriage equality since 1972?! I wear your downvote as a badge of pride.
EDIT: Actually, the official platform did not.

I'm 43 and Adventure Time and Regular Show are two of my faves. I watch them with my 15-year-old Aspie and it's great. We just started Rick and Morty last night.

No love for Pillars of Eternity?

Well I just finished Uncharted 2, so I won't have to worry about this for a while.

That's the great thing about the AV Club. CHAOS!

I just hooked up my laserdisc player to introduce my 14-year old Aspie who is in his first year of discovering movies to Star Wars in its original theatrical glory.

I also worked at the dining hall. Wake up at 5, work till 9, leave there with 2 (free) big ass omelets and a gallon of (also free) coffee, then return to my girlfriend's (now wife's) room, eat, fuck, get high and play Super Mario Brothers 3 and/or Sonic the Hedgehog. And this, friends, is why I'm stuck in middle

You've restored my faith in humanity

If I'm a network exec, I'm greenlighting this series.

Not that great. Freemium games are lame no matter the setting

I've never run into you on these boards before. I just got lost in your fallout comments for about 20 minutes. Have a great day! I do have a PC that would handle it, but I like the portability factor of a console.