
In other news, you and @drflimflam:disqus have become the first AVC commenters I have followed.

RIGHT?! Nintendo is ridic. PS3 is my console of choice. I can't justify the PS4 purchase because my gaming queue includes even some original xbox and ps2 titles. Unless fallout 4 is announced, then it's an insta-buy.

Thanks, AVC commenters, for adding about 14 more games to my decade-old gaming queue.

GREAT game. Obviously, if you haven't done the Baldur's Gates and the Icewind Dales, those are musts as well.

I remember uninstalling Morrowind and selling it on eBay because I knew that it would destroy my life.

Net Neutrality in theory, good. Getting government involved, probably not so good. See "regulatory capture".

I have 2 autistic sons, so I am literally a decade behind on my gaming queue, but the Bioshock series was a series I specifically made time for, and I wasn't disappointed. The DLC for Infinite is a must-play, though it's short and expensive. (spoilers, so I won't elaborate.)

Thanks for giving me something to add to my ever-growing queue.

I haven't played the Halo series yet, either. I need like a solid month to get through my gaming backlog.

I LOVED the first Witcher and was beyond excited to play Witcher 2. Also couldn't get through the first act. Terrible mapping, awful combat (roll, roll, roll.) I, like you, gave it two chances before rage-uninstalling and realizing that the consolization of great PC games is, unfortunately, here to stay. See also the

Thank you for letting me know I am not alone.

Thanks, fellow nerd. Now I have another show I have to catch up on.