
Upvoted for the Heat reference

this comment wins the day

I have a severely autistic almost 18 year old son. I have spent more time on Sesame Street than anyone in the history of the world. I can recite almost every VHS tape verbatim. #sinceyoudidntask

Roosevelt Franklin FTW

I have the exact same relationship with the strain!

I wasn't being facetious. You're everywhere, man!

Now I feel like I've made it. An interaction with an A/V Club legend.

I don't know what you're talking about, gov'nah!

Good thing he wasn't asked to be funny; then he'd really be at a loss! I seriously don't get the Aziz adoration. I find his standup painfully unfunny.

Of all the poor behavior in the movies, the active cell phone douche is the worst. When entering a theater that has other patrons besides my family, I immediately seek out the front-most seats (designated handicapped companion seating) so no one's phone in front of me jars me out of my pot-induced immersion. So far, I

I'm going to the 4:15 Sicario today. Hoping the entire audience is akin to my most recent 2 trips. American Ultra — Me, My wife and kid
Mad Max Fury Road Imax 3d re-release — Me and my kid

This, so hard. I'm trying to explain this to my 15-year-old Aspie. I want to wait about 3 weeks before going to see it midweek in the early afternoon but he's not having it.

I stopped reading at "Hollaback Girl is a really, really good track"

Huge Schumer fan; found Trainwreck to be "meh"

That is one of the top 10 sketches ever, in my estimation.

it's a perfect justification.

I certainly do! Landing was a bitch, as I recall.

Your rejoinder was a pleasant surprise. You seem like a convivial sort, and I hope this portends future interactions between us.

I found it shallow and pedantic.

That is one of his primary concerns. He's a completionist.