you can’t trust a state that bleeds for 8 years and doesn’t die.
you can’t trust a state that bleeds for 8 years and doesn’t die.
I own this plush and it has been a net positive for my life. It is in stock right now I recommend u get.
Who’s a good Vice President?!? Who’s soooo good?! You are!! You are SUCH a good Vice President! Yes you are yes you are!
That sounds amazing
What, you think a cat would make a better VP? I can see it now: mid-debate it can come over and knock everything off of Pence’s podium, then go back to smugly licking itself.
I know, some of us are slowly melting in our homes, too hot to put on real clothes or be productive, we need distractions! I hope it’s Clinton / Giant Block of Ice.
#TeamShechet. These dresses are hideous.
No. This needs to be a public disaster.
I also want to say that I also wear a lot of these styles and I believe this entire post to be a violent subtweet
It doesn’t matter who stronger because we all know who’d win in the end.
Geeze it’s not rocket appliance.
Watr beats fyre. Basic geometry
Kent Trilby was not available.
He works for Ben Anime Avatar
I would have gone with Barry Kangol, but I *think* I see where you’re going.
You should see what his old friend, Geno Neckbeard, does now.
Seriously? Larry Fedora? Did Mike Vape take a job elsewhere?
This was an attempt to take a nuanced look at things like those thinkpieces and say, yes, it is valid to be more aware of issues that you have a personal connection to (like, all those various walks for diseases that are attended primarily by relatives of someone effected) but that you don’t actually need empathy to…
Someone must be able to write a plugin which replaces all the images on the site with this gif