The wall of moms that formed in Portland was a group of white and BIPOC women coming together.. And now Heather there needs to go fuck it up by trying to turn it into a white-woman-led organized nonprofit.
The wall of moms that formed in Portland was a group of white and BIPOC women coming together.. And now Heather there needs to go fuck it up by trying to turn it into a white-woman-led organized nonprofit.
The person you’re applauding admitted they like playing devil’s advocate here. So no, it really doesn’t take cojones to play the role of the contrarian for no better reason than wanting the dopamine hit of being the one person disagreeing with the crowd.
Also, you’d expect an HR professional to understand what “hostile work environment” means. That’s a specific phrase that doesn’t mean “your boss is a shouty asshole”.
This is not about defending the honor of the HR profession.
“and (sincerely) applaud you for voicing it in the face of popular opinion to the contrary”
But this isn’t even the stage of deciding whether the documents are admissible evidence. The hearing was about whether they would remain under seal and thus their contents known. Why lie to the judge when there are documents about to come out that will show you’re a liar?
I suspect her lawyers didn’t know about those e-mails - they’re experienced enough to know there’s a difference between lying to the media vs. lying to a judge when a document showing you lied is about to come out.
Can’t get a federal pardon for state crimes.
“He was playing by this 1950s courtship rulebook” is a pretty good sign right there.
Have you asked your female friends what they think you could be doing differently? Internet dating is always a crapshoot, but women friends might be able to point out if you are in fact doing something offputting or could use improvement. (Note, friends, plural. You want a wide range of opinions so that you can sort…
Wow. Good on you for getting out of that, and I’m glad you’re doing better. What awful predators.
Women with men feel they can give you a compliment safely, because you will see they are with a man and won’t hit on them. Women alone or with other women who call out compliments (however G-rated) to strange men are risking their compliments being taken as an advance, and an angry response if they turn it down.
Allspicery has a whole bunch of different smoked salts and sugars - I think they have a sampler?
“You don’t write something this innocuous about someone so offensive to morality unless you have not internalized who this repugnant man was.”
Yeah, you do if you, yourself, are equally repugnant.
A truly heartbreaking amount our military defense spending goes to making sure private contractors get fat paychecks and benefits.
And the ADA doesn’t mean you have to meekly allow anti-maskers to traipse all over your store or through your living room. You just have to offer reasonable accommodations.
But we were assured that an armed society is a polite society!
The troll imitator is acting up in this thread, fwiw.
That’s true of getting rid of all zoning policies, though. The issue isn’t whether we are meeting some kind of free-market ideal; it’s the degree to which zoning policies are used as proxies for “keep this neighborhood for the rich”, and the degree to which loosening zoning policies will result in better access to…
You explained that you spend an hour and a half on making something for yourself, and would like a share of it too, as opposed to his doing zero work on it and hoovering it up - and his response was Disappointment Drama Theater? WOW.