
They’re the same mouth breathers who say shit like: “Well if you’re just gonna call me racist for supporting Trump, I’m only gonna support him more!”

At least the self-owns are still there.

Ask the folks in the grays...

racism is bad but has nothing to do with personal honor

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that when people say “I want things back to normal,” they’re part of the power structure that sees normal as someone else’s job.

Blizzard used to do this, promising “We’ll release it when it’s ready.”  So obviously you can tell your stockholders that.

The original release window was April. The pandemic didn’t really start affecting timelines until March. It was never going to hit that April target regardless of the pandemic.

But of course, everyone understood that first pushback...but they threw out an exact date in September as the new date and then still had to

Reports from nearby farms indicate that the crops appear impressive but are actually rotten inside. The cattle are giving milk that’s got an odd colour to it.

I assume you are making a funny...?

Looks cold as shit out there. Traditionally, one covers their face to keep warm in that case.

Do not, under any circumstances, put a made-up-number on a job with intense background checks or a security clearance.  Better to leave it off and let them ask.

This piece of advice seems like a sort of low probability but high damage if it goes against you sort of affair.

Here’s a crazy idea:

Let your developers work at a reasonable pace and set your release windows to actual, realistic time-lines in the first place and then you don’t have to push shit back a million times because your project managers can’t seem to figure out how time works. Tell marketing to shut the fuck up and not

Fourteen years out of grad. school I started a new job and they asked for my transcripts. This shit can be important.

one the other side... everything tastes like nachos. come.. join us...

When my father-in-law asked that question one time, I told him that you can’t ask that question AND only vote for straight white people. The “it shouldn’t be about race!” position is not compatible with voting Republican. They, of course, mean they don’t want it to be about OTHER races.  

It’s funny how white people complain with the statement, “Why does everything have to be about race?”. Look at the above contests and you can see why everything is about race. In every instance, the “R” side has a mediocre white person that is wishy-washy with racists/classist ties.

I’m being optimistic here in Texas, and if it doesn’t turn this election it will in the future. When Texas goes blue, whenever that may happen, the presidential election will be effectively over right then and there.

If sanity prevails and Trump is removed from office, consecutive sentencing should easily keep Jared in prison for the rest of his life.