
It’s the city that never sleeps! Where else can you buy a single cigarette from a guy on the street at 4 am?

Well spill the tea, sister.

.....huh! Interesting! Still, I’m putting that at 30-1 as a bit of a long shot

He’ll be alive long enough for one more scene of him lighting his sword on fire.  He could be one of the first to go.

Yes, I think Winterfell at least is pretty old. The Starks were kings of the north for generations before the Targs came around. The north was one of the “seven kingdoms” back when all seven were separate. And Winterfell, at least, makes sense for the night king to find because it’s probably one of the few large

What I don’t understand is, if the Night King has been north of the wall for thousands of years, and King’s Landing was founded ca 300 years ago, how does he even know King’s Landing exists?

I just try to stay humble and remember that I used to really like Korn, so I shouldn’t confuse my own nostalgia for what I liked in my youth with the idea that those things are better than what is happening today.

Listen, I like Wu-Tang and all, but you’re remembering them through rose-colored glasses. As a group, they peaked on the first album. Forever was good but had a lot of filler. All the albums since then have been ok at best to just bad. You can only get so much mileage out of formula consisting of kung fu samples and

Hey, don’t ask me, I sure as hell ain’t rich.  But it definitely “looks” classier at least on a superficial level.

Doesn’t have a step dad... yet.

As a parent, you should consider telling your son “you do realize the song “Stan” is about an obsessed fan that kills himself, right?”

The difference is that alcohol prohibition was specifically written into the constitution through the 18th amendment and was therefore by definition a constitutional law. The 21st amendment repealed prohibition, but did not say prohibition was never constitutional in the first place.

That’s true but not the point. Red light cameras are simply unsportsmanlike.

Two things I think I read somewhere and kinda believe:

Your list of petty turnoffs is a bigger turnoff than all the turnoffs you mention. 

Yeah, you can do a hell of a lot worse than “kinda boring”.

Slippin’ Jimmy the Animated Series

Yeah, they can’t just say something like that without explaining it more.

Yeah and they recently (last 10 years or so) rethemed a ride at Epcot based on the Three Caballeros.