
Benz dealer

Say what you will about NASCAR, which has it’s own horrendous attendance issues, but it kicks ass that they let you in with you own cooler of beer. 

Whatever, grandpa.

The payments from Nike are just common, low-level sleaze that is basically the wallpaper of the NCAA. Maybe some folks will get busted, but the schools will be fine, Nike will be fine, NCAA will be fine, the players will be in basically the same place they were before, and the world will keep on turning.

I’m not sure if fobs are a “trend”.  Trends are transitory, but just about every car built in the last 25 years or so has had a keyless entry fob

*Points at rusted-out Jeep*

Daimler: “We can cut costs by barely updating it over 20 years”

It’s not what I think should happen, It’s what I think probably will happen. Jarmo will most likely move on. I don’t see the team giving both guys the boot at the same time.

Oh fuck off to your palm treed locales you pedantic dipshit

[extremely Hall & Oates voice] WELL LISTEN TO THIS!

You’re right, and I’m not defending Torts, but I just feel like Jarmo is on a shorter leash. Jarmo’s moves this year look like desperation hail mary’s from someone who is running out of time. The moves look great on paper but its not coming together, and looking back at his career, he has a long history of big

The thing is, as a Blue Jackets fan, for the first decade and a half this team has been around, it has either been a “gutter team” or a “gutter team featuring Rick Nash”. It’s kind of amazing how much Torts/Jarmo/Davidson have increased the credibility of this team to the extant that missing the playoffs is

These are goddamn incredible.  Nice job!

These are goddamn incredible.  Nice job!

Everything about that pic checks out.

You gotta like teal, tho.  More Miami than LA.

I like this answer.  He claims to need 4WD or AWD, but if you need that to get over a few potholes in LA you shouldn’t be driving.

Steer with your knee so you can ash your cigar out the window without spilling your Tom Collins

Hmm, N64 controller. Where will he attach the steak knives?

Seems shortsighted - they’re trying to hype up Bond 25.  Keep the Bond movies on streaming to build anticipation