
“Wasting his talents”.

There’s a small town in Siberia that’s one of the coldest places on Earth. You might be asking yourself, why would such a town exist and why would people live there?

A sane person might wonder what makes the weather in Oymyakon so special, as well as why anyone would want to live there. The answer is a mix of geography and weather, at least as far as the weather is concerned. Why people live there is a whole other story.

Here’s the venerable ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER with the definitive LADY BIRD take:

Hachi machi!

Hey, it’s one thing to drive a car off the lot. But is this guy still making the payments on time three years later?

I would go even further - Bitcoin’s volatility is its only real value. Savvy investors can make money off the big price fluctuations. But they’re only riding the roller coaster because they know its a roller coaster, i.e., the price will keep on going up and down big hills. I agree that last call is coming soon.

Jokes on you, kid. Hot rods are always cooler than race cars.

Let it go. The man delivers pizzas for a living, he might not be the one to cast aspersions on anyone’s intelligence.

What? Looks like you did fix it!

He meant busted, not rusted.

Turnabout is fair play.

Thanks buddy. Still, it’s one thing to know you’re making responsible decisions on an intellectual level but there’s always part of you that’s saying “is it too much to ask for a car with freaking cruise control?”

So at the time I was a young lawyer with lots of debt and still driving a twelve year old Civic. I was driving my two cousins somewhere (at the time one was in High School and the other Middle School). It’s a hot, summer day and, naturally, my AC doesn’t work. Older cousin is explaining to younger cousin how to

The real problem is refs can weaponize their hurt feelings. Players being mean to you? Tough.


Hell yeah coast guard rules. They do an important job without being all “argle blargle I’m fighting for your freedom, cuck”

I don’t think he’ll say the n-word. I believe that HE BELIEVES he’s not a racist, and he probably thinks the extent of racism is directly calling someone a hard-r n-word. But lease an apartment to a black family? Of course not, that’s just bad business because blacks don’t like to pay their bills.

Let’s keep the Coast Guard tho

This is a lookin’ stein, not a drinkin’ stein.

This is a lookin’ stein, not a drinkin’ stein.