
I hear what you’re saying, but to be fair, Stewart got the Daily Show gig in 99 and wasn’t really a touring comedian after that. So he might not have been around all the backstage bull sessions when the stories and rumors were spreading. And I doubt he spends much time on twitter or AV Club comment threads.

Yeah, I suppose you have to feel a bit for the office workers and whatnot who are going to be out of a job soon. “Weinstein Company” is a hell of thing to put on a resume these days.

I’m probably about your age and I have a theory on the popularity of Sublime back then.

Lol, no way. It was 96 and the league was in its infancy. They played at Ohio Stadium because it was available.

The Crew played there first couple seasons at Ohio Stadium (home of the Buckeyes, capacity 100k or so).

It’s never been about the stadium. Saying “we’re out of here unless we get a new stadium downtown by 2019" is just window dressing. They know that’s an impossible ask especially in such a short timeframe. You can’t take a word Precourt says in good faith.

In my opinion, the best guides for people who are not professionals or dedicated enthusiasts are at the Wirecutter. The tend to answer the question what’s the best or most reasonable lens for me, not necessarily the best overall/best for pros/most expensive/etc.

My compromise proposal for ALL SPORTS is replay is allowed, but slow-motion is outlawed. Further, officials can only view an incident up to two times at real speed. Officials are trained and paid to make calls at game speed, so if they miss something they can take another look in real-time. If they catch something

This is the pivot to video that millennials crave.

It would be nice if the article included coordinates. If you want to see for yourself, the coordinates are:

Yup. This car has seen some shit, man.

They just had to get Eleven out of Hawkins because she’s too powerful. She’d just use her mind to snap all the demi-dogs’ necks. There’d be no drama.

Hardly, he carries a switchblade and is always threatening to shank randos. He’s many things but most certainly not a pacifist.

Hell yeah buddy, Sleater Kinney all day long

Hahaha, omg yeah absolutely.

He’s basically AC/DC in how he’s committed to his formula over the years. Drugs are good, religion is bad. Guns are bad too but the general concept of violence is good.

Well now I know what show I’m bingeing this weekend.

The most offensive thing is to grow old and see your childhood shock-rockers become fat and boring.

Holy shit, I wish I was like 3 years older so I could’ve gone to that show.

Listened to some Who for the first time in a looooooong time the other day.