
Bikers, specifically Harley culture.

I’m talking about the chattering masses here. Look at the steroid era in baseball. Great players are still being punished by sportswriters for crimes they have been alleged to have committed even if not proven or admitted.

Well, it’s not just “another matter”, that’s entirely the point I’m trying to make. Sports media is full of people who are willing to say any violation justifies any penalty. There needs to be some proportionality and reason to these matters.

Christ, you’re naive. I hate to burst your bubble but you’re going to be very disappointed when you learn the truth about the tooth fairy.

Lol exhaust flames under the Caravan at 6:03

Well that’s a less charitable way of framing the facts but for me it changes nothing. To me, hiding substance use in a drug-tested sport means cycling to avoid tests or masking with another substance, neither of which she did. And even if she was taking the drug because she thought it would give her an edge, so what

Guess what genius I never said PED. I said drugs, and every athlete is on copious DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS, most of which are perfectly legal and more importantly not specifically banned.

Absolutely, if I was a professional athlete I’d be dirty as hell and if I got caught I’d be like, oh well, can’t see that asterisk from my PRIVATE FUCKING ISLAND.

I think it’s telling that no one ever tried to strip her grand slams, olympic medals, etc from the many years in which she used and openly reported using the drug. There is no Barry Bonds asterisk by any of those wins.

BUT, for 9 years and 11 months of those 10 years melodium was not classified as a performance enhancing drug.

I always thought the Sharapova suspension was chickenshit.

Yeah but that is totally rational.

For sure, I’ve tried a couple but the ones I’ve tried are murder on your battery life. TBF it’s been a while since I’ve tried, maybe the apps are better now.

You might actually be a good candidate for one of the old school fitbits that clips on your belt. If you don’t care about thing like heart rate tracking there’s no need for one you wear on your wrist.

I switched from a Fitbit Surge to an Apple Watch 2 because of all the neat shit an Apple Watch can do.

The radiohead thing is basically the same idea as singing “row row row your boat” in a round. It sounds kind of interesting in places, but you can do it with basically any song that has a consistent bpm.

‘01-’04 for me (transfer student). Lived in Hoover hall on new south and then Riverpark. My girlfriend (now wife) was a year behind me so I had an unofficial victory lap and was in town every weekend for the year after I graduated. Man, it’s been a long time, I think maybe 4 years since I’ve been back.

But that was part of the charm of OU football in the old days! You hang out, goof around with friends. Anybody with a student ID could get in free and sit wherever. The atmosphere was like a fun an relaxed high school game (except, yeah, everyone was drunk), especially compared to the humorless intensity of OSU

Lol I don’t know man. Guy Fieri has a restaurant in times square. There’s no accounting for taste

I mean, that’s probably true in the sense that a gunshot victim might die of blood loss. But the gunshot is a huge contributing factor.