
Hell ASOIAF barely has ice zombies. They've shown up like twice in the books so far. They sure talk about them a lot, though.

That's what his blog is for. Every other post is like, "Exciting news, gang, that's right, new Wild Cards!"

Agree across the board, my only beef with his casting is he seems too old to be playing a returning GI. When I look at my grandpa's old WWII pics everyone looks like a baby.

I get that he loves it but I don't know why. It's like he emerged from the womb a fully formed 40 year-old car driving jazz-loving hipster.

Different strokes for different folks I guess but listening to a soundtrack to a show I haven't seen holds zero appeal for me. You and I simply have different definitions for the word accessible and for me, a show that only the wealthy, well-connected, or just lucky can realistically afford to see is not accessible.

I suppose, but at least the movie explores why Stone's character loves movies and wants to be an actress.

Yeah, John Legend killed it in his scenes. Why couldn't they have swapped Gosling for Legend?

Yup. The opening sequence was spectacular. Too bad the song was completely generic.

Seriously. There's a reason you don't see a lot of Polo players on Wheaties boxes.

The bigger problem is the "show, don't tell" problem". Make me care about jazz, don't tell me why I should.

At least La La Land is at a theater near you. The Hamilton phenomenon was especially grating because its not really realistic for most people to see it.

Emma Stone had a weird lisp that was especially obvious during the audition song about her aunt in paris or whatever the fuck.

Do we really need words for those things, though? In my day, those concepts were described in various levels of "horny".

It was in this ep, he ran into the solitary cell wall when he tried to tackle hallucination-Gunther.

Yeah. It got played out by all the catchphrases, halloween costumes and shit, but the first movie is a good solid comedy and is still funny. The intro especially is fun as hell and shows everyone involved was into the project and having a great time.

That's what I've always heard about winemaking and brewing. They may sound like bucolic dream-jobs to most middle class folk, but the reality is its an awful lot of hard, physical work.

I love scotch but bourbon always wins for me because you can buy a $10 bottle that is perfectly drinkable, especially in cocktails. $25-30 gets you a world class bottle.

Hooray! He can go back to disapproving of people wearing jeans at baseball games.

Here in Ohio sushi is a game of Russian Roulette. I'm only going to spin that cylinder so many times.

Nor is it food. Its a snack at best.