
That was a great ep. It's a shame the show's going on hiatus, but Lauren is kind of becoming a lowkey movie star so good for her.

I don't know, I always liked the show and the podcast is as good as ever. CBB and Earwolf seem like they're doing aok. I think the brand is fine.

This joke works on many levels.

I never saw the movie but I had the NES game for some reason and I played it endlessly. I'm sure the game is bad, too.

yeah, maybe she's a Steve Albini or Nick Cage type and willing to take any job that comes through the door.

A combination of ageism + sexism probably. She's too good for this shit.

Kathy Bates is a whopping 7 years older than Billy Bob, which is maybe about right for this movie.

I hear you. A main page is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

How do you follow AVClub? Do you follow the RSS feed or social media? Do you just go to the main page from time to time?

Same here. I've only had a handful of saisons, so I don't know if Hennepin is representative of the style, but its great either way.

A lot of metal records would be better in smaller chunks. Sometimes they can just be two much.

"Fancy restaurant serves fancy version of lowbrow staple".

Just fake it till you make it

Eh, realism is overrated. In reality, we have trump. I'll take Nikki any day.

But you know what, on her it works. She's a goddamn goddess.

Tangentially related: Everclear, Bacardi 151, and forties of malt liquor all lose their appeal when you turn 21.

I never did finish 7, although I LOVED it at the time.

I'm old enough now that I don't know if I'll ever again play a game again that requires hours of grinding.

Yeah, that's pretty much my take, too.

I remember one of the issues in the show regarding the blood sample was testing for the preservative used in the sample tubes, on the theory that the blood in the car was planted and came from a previously extracted sample. At the time, the test either didn't exist or wasn't available. Did they touch on that topic?