That was in Dirt Bag last night but only as a bullet! I just read that her dad bought the video of her bf cheating on her to protect her from embarrassment, and I felt so moved by it (it was very expensive!!)
Specifically Brian Moylan.
That seems unreasonable. I absolutely support universal marriage but people are allowed to change their minds. And, frankly, state after state is allowing it so it seems only a matter of time.
I think their kids specifically asked them to get married, and now that it is recognized federally, they did so. It's not perfect, but it's not like they were like "SORRY SUCKAS" either.
I mean, I get it, but at the same time: marriage is a Federal right for all now. The states where folks still can't get married, it's really just a procedural matter of time for the upper courts to knock the rest of the laws out.
Until we get another actual scandal involving actual celebrities, probably not. If Jay-Z and Beyonce actually divorce and another high profile woman comes into the picture, that might do it.
i actively hate this dude
I am SO using "holy groot!" as my new "holy shit!" Yes!!!
I'd like to get a sneak peek of his groot.
Ha! My first thought was, 'Damn, Groot!'
I am a Chi O alum and I would be 100% okay with the entire chapter being shut down for this. Absolutely disgusting. No wonder people hate on sororities— we keep proving the stereotypes right.
Does it look to you like LC is always cocking an eyebrow when she is photographed, sort of like "um, are you sure about that?"
Love Toxic. "With the taste of a boysenberry pie" is what I like to sing.
I love it too. I think it's easy to mess up the formal pants look. When I see someone that doesn't look like an awkward tomboy at the sports dinner or a bank teller in formal pants, I give major props.
I still do the "drawing a crescent moon on my upper boobs" dance from the airplane scene of Toxic. A true classic.
agreed. Toxic will be played at my wedding just because its my day to force my loved ones into collectively remembering my youth.
As much as I hate most pop music, Toxic was absolute genius.
Toxic is all that is perfect in music videos.
Excuse me, I believe you mean coachellapaloozarooxSW