
I followed you, which should keep you out of the greys for the time being:)

Hey, I happily read the greys and tried to upvote comments. I'm hoping we'll see more of that with this new system so we can bring more decent people back into the fold.

Kaitlin Olson from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is going to have a recurring role inThe New Girl!!

Paris Hilton is going to produce my debut album and I'm going to call it "Paris is Burning"

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

this is horrible, i hope he can roat in jail

I took care of it, please email if he's back again!

I can advice everyone not to scroll down until a certain situation has been resolved.

I'll just leave this here...

It's a statistics game. Also in the error: Caseys, Ashleys and Lindseys (British males)...

Nicole Richie = favorite lilac hair of all time. And good for her and Joel. Who knew that one half of "Paris and Nicole" would result in such a strong, self-aware adulthood?

She's snarking on the comics artists talk of not making WW a "feminist".

I believe there's been people arguing about whether or not Wonder Woman is a feminist. I hope she's making fun of that. I hope.

It can be hard to tell with Lucy. She throws a lot of sass.

I have a feminist necklace I like to wear. It's made of the severed testicles of every man who ever opened a door for me or told me I look pretty. Chivalry ain't dead, it's just castrated.

I tried to make my OK Cupid name "RawDog69" or "CondomsYuck" as a joke but also changed my mind because there are way too many idiots on OK Cupid.

I just had one of those "heyyyyyy I never finished the show" moments, but then I realized I stopped watching after season two THREE YEARS AGO and I could only blame myself for not knowing he was Gossip Girl.

Thank God! I am still irrationally angry about that. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE FOR HIM TO BE GOSSIP GIRL!!!