

Will anything bad happen to the emmy voters?

It had to be done. I take no pleasure in this.

I mean, yeah, I buy that nobody is going to be really devastated by this because nobody is a Britney Spears fan on the assumption that she's an exceptional singer or anything but lately it seems like there's this growing backlash to stuff like this that views people thinking that a professional singer should be good

Singing was never her forte. Britney is an icon because she is a great performer and is able to put on a good show. She knows how to entertain a crowd, so she'll always have a soft spot in my heart.

Still the princess of pop so...

Fuck your veggie Whopper

In this Entertainment Weekly piece, it says the fee is "typically between $20,000 and $40,000." Plus, Elizabeth Killmond-Roman has her own acknowledgments section in the back of the book.

These are my accurate emotions today.

Nip it in the bud, good for you. Hope your subsequent sex life has been safe and happy and fun! I want an iud but I've never been on birth control other than using condoms, sooo. Hope to join the club one day!

samesies :D

May I recommend lesbianism? No side effects, no copper and no babies. AND we have our own bars. Boo yah.

I suppose Lifetime will have to dust itself off and try again, try again.

Ol' Gwynnie's Chicken Milanese with roasted tomatoes and arugula is a staple in my house. I love her books, and I make my own substitutions away from the gluten-free or whatever-free stuff because I am not sensitive to the gluten. I want all the gluten. I'll take your gluten. I love to cook, I am that weirdo that

ok. That's it. Next bloody artist who reimagines Disney princesses must be ostracized from society or fed to rabid wombats! It's become too overwrought. Can't we imagine 80s Saturday morning cartoons characters used to inform on sexual assault or maybe the Veggie Tales gang?


I've read Cicso training material on the 7 layers of the OSI model that's sexier than this drivle. You're trying to get a date guy, not venture capital funding for your Linux based video game console.

I had to stop at "Instructions." That was the point at which I wanted to throw his head into my monitor.

1. Green

As someone who qualified for a Perkins loan through FAFSA ("low-interest federal student loans for undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional financial need.") I seriously do not find this offensive, but actually kind of cute and clever.