
I missed the Dirt Bag line about the this, and assumed this was Gwyneth and Beyoncé. Was surprised it wasn't GOOPier.

He was actually on it twice! He played another one off character in an episode back in the season where Mariska was pregnant so Unstabler had Connie Nielsen as his partner for a while.

thanks! the size of the letters meant that the flower is a tad bigger than i wanted - i have tiny wrists so it looks huge, albeit pretty. i was worried future employers would be put off because it's so close to my hand that it's almost impossible to cover. but i now am part of the service industry and i work in a

shit, you too? in college a few years back I lived with a friend and her family. the family basically adopted me, and i was presented with the same birthday gift on my 21st that the other daughters received. it was engraved with our linking initials, and i had the design tattooed on my wrist. well things went south

My best friend and I have been going strong for 12 years now and I still refuse to get a friendship tattoo with her. What if we break up? She doesn't see the problem which is funny because she has a friendship tattoo with this other girl that she doesn't even talk to anymore.

If it doesn't work out, it can always become an homage to Duran Duran.

Apropos of nothing, isn't it immensely comforting to see that someone as lithe and gorgeous as Jourdan Dunn has silvery stretch marks on her hips? I sincerely don't mean that in a ha-ha-let's-point-out-her-flaws kind of way. It's just consoling for me to be reminded that everyone's body is weird and scarred and

ive always wondered what happens when youre not friends anymore. We don't havehave matching tattoos, but someone I used to call my best friend got a few tattoos that I designed, and im wondering if she hates them because I originally drew them you hate your tattoo now? Or hate looking at it because its about

That's why a best friends tattoo should always be just be something that you both like and would still want on your body if the friendship sours or drifts.

This is the internet, we're all whatever race we need to be to prove a point.

This woman has done a tremendous amount of activist work regarding international human rights and refugees, and you want to silence her for something she did 14 years ago? Ok.

God, I feel so good knowing that another adult was enjoying their wine while sobbing to this movie. My friend looked at my and yell-whispered "PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER" I was a drunkish mess.

Tiny bottles of booze have saved me from many dire situations.

Catholic guilt prevented me from starting until 21, so I figure Jesus owes me some orgasms. But yes, I'm appreciative believe me.

I never had a problem with anti-depressants, but I definitely did when on the pill. My sex drive went way up when I got a Mirena. Also, best use of that gif ever.

It sort of varies, depending on my hormone levels, level of activity, whether or not there's a hot boy I'm crushing on...

As a Taco Bell enthusiast, I am pretty excited for this.

LOL @ the grey lines on her sides to give her an hourglass figure.