
If this investigation doesn’t lead to trump being impeached, the little faith I have in our democracy will be completely dead.

LOL! Yep. You got it! They don’t care. Why do it? BECAUSE THEY CAN. When you sit down in a booth at a restaurant, do you automatically start checking all the decor to see if it’s bolted down or just resting there on display? Me neither. THESE GRIFTERS DO.

“Based on optics ALONE how do you not decide against this??”

He will report to Russia later that month.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it on perpetuity to people like Tomi: You are not special.

I’m beyond schadenfreude with this girl. Let’s be reminded of this exchange with Noah Trevor from her Daily Show interview. If you go back to the video, this exchange starts around the 15:40 mark. (Emphasis below is mine.) Anyone who says something like this deserves all the backlash and then some more.

Those mean liberals won’t allow him to work in Hollywood. Oh wait - he’s got a low rated weekly shitcom that ABC inexplicably keeps on their schedule. So what, now, was he bitching about?

They can just row around the land parts and sneak in by sea, since our Coast Guard budget has been cut and can only cover two guys in a dingy as sea-defense.

Who needs jetpacks, when they can just use RC drones.

And people are worried about goddamned bathrooms. Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney defended Trump’s cuts by arguing that after-school programs aimed at feeding children after school aren’t “helping kids do better at school.”

He doesn’t know why he can’t just have what he wants, and he will never understand that the President is not an all-powerful king whose declarations just magically become law. He promised he’d stop the Muslims from ever coming in! How can he fulfill his campaign promise if the so-called judges keep saying “no?!”


I had to go google deep, but I found one of those Microwaves with a camera

“...any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera,” Conway said. “We know that this is just a fact of modern life.

Oh absolutely. They aren’t religious but judge the hell out of everyone not “like them.” I also live in a very segregated city. If I doxed my location, people would be shocked. Like all whites here, they are just fine with that.

58 yrs. old, Midwestern, conservative, retired from cushy govt. job (with only an associates degree) w/good pension. Idiot husband finally got a full-time gig in The national guard. Thinks he’s big shit now. Will also get good pension. Managed to marry eldest daughter off to a big ass banker who does them all