
And let’s not forget that it wasn’t just 1 or 2 guys but 15 with a bone saw 

Can we just go ahead and assume that everyone that still works for ICE at this point is a racist heartless monster ?

No, more like Battlefield Hardline that had the exact same mode

Not much of a story here, he plays Fortnite and that pretty much explains it all

To me it just sounds like they are selling a patch to revert the game back to destiny 1

Going by that story, Mccain is proof that torture doesn’t work

I agree, they could put some Pve modes every once in a while on arcade

It would be if you killed the other 99 players alone

81 ? I had seen pictures of her and thought she was like in her 60's, 70's max 

Sucks that PVE is going on the backseat is the only mode that i am interested in playing, if BR doesn’t kill it first

Apparently it was Ivanka,

Looks amazing, does anyone know if it will follow the Lady Layton game or if its gonna be an original story?

Niantic actually makes Bungie look good when it comes to communicating with players

My only question is: How the F did it get in the car?

A lot of free-to-play mobile games have a similar system, they have tiers called VIP, let’s say that you spend 10$ on the game you would go to VIP 1, and the more you spend the higher VIP you get and usually the highest gets a special item from the game and these games are usually from china

Nice Ad for the article

If Mueller had Trump’s tax returns there would already be nukes heading to N. Korea

This is a classic Trump move, throw money at a problem and hope it goes away

From what i heard, he’s going to spend in 1 year what Obama spent in 8

He doesn’t care about looking good, we are talking about someone that charged his own son’s charity or something like that to use his golf courses to host a golf tournament, literally stealing money from charity