
Noticed that too, Jennifer Hale really does bring something to the role, tough but fair, biting sarcasm but handling the big stuff, does make her version of Shepard shine more.

My 3yo talks constantly in the car, asking questions, making observations. It’s because he’s a kid, not because of his gender, FFS!

There are many favorite parts, but my favorite-favorite part is how a child is basically the same thing as a politician who ran a successful campaign and was voted into office by constituents who have faith in her abilities.

Sorry you had to learn to “patiently” communicate with your daughter when she tries to talk to you. Sounds like you’ve got a tough fucking life Dude. Can you imagine? Having to answer questions from your kid and a GIRL much less?

The very act of picking up this hammer, of becoming Thor, is killing her. Where we go from here is the real story.

True. I think one issue that is different for manspreading is the fact that you will see women crammed next to a man with his legs spread way, way out. It is one thing to be squished up next to a bag, but it is a whole other situation when a man has more space that is used unnecessarily. It is more about men creating

but those signs are also part of the campaign. they cover the whole etiquette spectrum

“He doesn’t explain, however, why he believes the decision should be left up to the states or how gay marriage would affect anyone negatively, which is what many of us would probably like to hear.”

I’ve had a Carolina Dog for about 8 years... They are incredibly intelligent, athletic, flexible, easy to train and tend to be free of genetic issues that most domesticated breeds suffer from. Their behavior is more wild/feral, so they don’t automatically trust strangers. That trust needs to be earned over the course

“I believe the federal government shouldn’t be allowed to impose its beliefs upon individual states. But if that’s not possible, then I believe the federal government should be required to impose MY beliefs upon individual states.”

I entirely support his right to have biological kids...with someone else. If Loeb wants children, he should find an egg donor.

Chip butties for everyone!

But God forbid we have ‘unhealthy’ peanut butter to go along with our starchy potatoes and bread!

Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?

Right, she’s a bitch. Because she didn’t kowtow to his ridiculous and petty demands and took her daughter to an age appropriate concert with adult supervision. I guess she should call him and beg for permission every time she wants to take her daughter out for a hike, or to go see a PG movie too, right?

“Historically men worked and women stayed home”

Now playing

I won’t be fully satisfied until I see her literally knock their heads together. Then again if she gave a speech like this I would be onboard as well:

I want Wonder Woman to come and defeat them both and tell them to quit being idiots and go fight Luthor before he gets away with his 40 cakes.