
Earlier today a friend said “So Hillary’s running. Hmm not sure that’s a vote I could make.” Now this person isn’t even registered to vote, so I didn’t bother to engage. But seriously?! Do I have reservations? Sure. Do I wish I could be more enthusiastic? Yes. Do I 100% believe she is a million times better for me as

because women aren't people, and men are people, so women who get pregnant from rape (and hey, they're probably lying, amiright? dem crazy bitches are after that sweet rape money) shouldn't be able to stop the men (you know, the real people) from seeing their children. because ladies, we're incompetent amiright? our

Here’s the thing about this that was easy to miss in the segment: Part of the reason that rapists maintaining parental rights is important is not just because of the possibility of rapists gaining visitation/custody rights. (Obviously, that’s awful.) It’s also because rapists can use the threat of suing for custody as

Part of why this matters is that rapists use their possible custody rights to coerce women into dropping charges or agreeing to deals. So terminaing their rights off the bat would help to prevent rapists from using the threat of a custody battle to get women to drop charges or agree to lesser sentencing.

These laws aren’t designed to protect anyone, but to control and punish women. Once you realize that, Republican logic makes perfect sense.

The logic is that rape doesn’t exist. There’s no custody issue if the father of the child did nothing wrong. And we all know rape is just this thing whiny women made up because misandry.

It’s just two people connecting, with four other people, and aliens.

I will be like 38 weeks pregnant and newly on leave when this comes out.

I’m going to have a great day.

So we’re just going to ignore the danger this gay student poses by her mere presence before these easily influenced young children?

“The principal told Love that it wasn’t anything personal”

Having worked in Human Resources for a huge tech firm for nearly eight years, this has been life every day, for myself and for many of my clients who are women. And I’m just a powerless cog in the machine who, despite my best efforts, can accomplish nothing to stop it, it seems. I’m currently working to leave my role

I work for a big utility company in a technical position, and I am one of 6 women in a group of over 30 people. The majority of the company’s 23,000 employees are male, and the overwhelming majority of women in the company work in administrative support, clerical, or other non-technical roles. The culture can be

The first example to come to mind:

Ah, yes. When I was hired, the job description said X amount of money. I got less then X, tried to negotiate, and was told in a year I would be bumped up. In a year, I got rave performance reviews and told I was doing everything perfectly. However, all of a sudden, “Nobody gets raises or promotions” before 2 years.

I edit a beer magazine so me and the SO go to beer bars and breweries quite a lot. Every single time the bartender will strike the conversation up with my SO about beer styles, trends, etc. and he’ll have to gesture over to me with while saying “I dunno, I don’t know much about beer. She’s the editor of xxyy magazine.

I'd like to point out for any one selfish or self-concerned enough to not really care about the servers themselves or their wages, but in a place with heavy sidework odds are that you are actually getting shittier service than you would otherwise.

"It's not possible to say too much about who or what she's playing..."

Not everyone wants kids. Saying abortion is bad because some people can't have kids is kind of... dumb. It's like saying I shouldn't turn down free cake because some people in the world don't get cake. You suggest people get abortions because of convenience, and that REALLY downplays how much having a kid changes

• Women who have never married and are not cohabiting account for 45% of all abortions.