I almost agree except the first Audi we had was an ‘81 and I learned to drive in it. The car was a lot more fun then the 2nd generation. Although the second generation was better looking.
I almost agree except the first Audi we had was an ‘81 and I learned to drive in it. The car was a lot more fun then the 2nd generation. Although the second generation was better looking.
I think he is just looking for the air filter.
I like some of U2’s songs and I like some of the Beatles. Who cares about the rest?
The owner just needs to tell people he is working on a “flying car” and they will get all excited and just leave him alone.
I am tired of this secret menu crap too, Since world war 2 and the cold war when “secret” menus were all the rage. Let’s let it go we know the NSA knows all the menu items because they trawl meta menu data online day and night with super computers. Lets just ask for what we want. We are free.
Read the comments on the Vizio refurbished TV. 1.5 stars for 22 reviews before you purchase.
Read the comments on the Vizio refurbished TV. 1.5 stars for 22 reviews before you purchase.
Will I am.
Landing in Reno can be similar to this, thank you skilled pilots.
Self closing hinges. Relationship advice: get hinges that self close.
I would call half a CHORE a HORE cause C it isn’t finished.
TRN signals in Honda speak.
That chair thing is know as the Honda ASSX it is a personal mobility device with bidet features in Japan, they won’t put them on the North American model.
One great addition of a truss not mentioned in the article is that Hollywood will have a new place for stunts to take place from.
He also invented the composite sideburn/muttonchop.
Telling you what to do was the Auto Insurance company lobbyists in the 80’s FYI.
Paunch and John, would have been funny, it was Ponch and John in the show...
Texting at light means answering text after you drive off.
Napa for fuel pumps and odd electrical items.