
Everyone is sending thoughts and prayers, why would he send $1k?

Suspicious minds are still trying to figure out what is behind this mystery...

If only we could collectively roll back to January 1, 1998.

Talk about overcooking a turn. He was already going 68 just before the turn, then was going 50 when he left the pavement, then 35 before flying off the edge like Wile E. Coyote to the bottom of the canyon.

“I was only doing, like, 40 MPH”

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”

I’d laugh too if you wanted me to insure your 97 ram for 30k

Walking around with the shunt isn’t too bad, it’s the bucket that draws funny looks.

“Mike Pence Eats Dicks” would also have been an acceptable answer.

That brick has more personality and is less offensive than Mike Pence.

Something doesn’t add up here. This kid had time to go into the army, get trained as a mechanic, get out of the army due to injury, be depressed about it, then land a job with Audi.....all by the age of 18?

Whatever Novak, you’re just embarrassed because she clearly has bigger stones than you. Watch the interview: it wasn’t about the car, it was about some jackass trying to get away with shit and her putting her foot down and saying “F that, this is the GD line.” I would marry this woman in a heartbeat, but I doubt she’s

I am all in favor of “Earthmurderer”. But I am also disappointed that “Drilly McDrillerton” or “Drilly McDrillface” are nowhere here.

I know this sucks but watching trumps idiot base slowly realize they got fucked will be fun. I have no expectation that a single one of them will ever admit they were wrong but they’ll still get screwed

That’s because Beta > VHS.

D.B. Pooper


“...Is there some magic solution for people like me?”

3800 Series II. Lots of horspower (for its day), torque, smoothness, durability, and reliability. Back in the day, full-size cars like the LeSabre were rated at 30mpg highway with it.