
I don't know, I think when the writing focuses on his mother or other people who interact with him (of what I've read so far anyway) it shows that no one has any illusions about him being anything but a terrible person. Still early for me to tell definitely though.

After years of being on my bookshelf unopened, I finally started reading John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy Of Dunces. I'm about 100 pages and while I'm enjoying the read, I'm still trying to understand how I'm supposed to feel about Ignatius. I just can't outright dislike him, nor do I feel sorry for him enough. I

Oh my god do this every week because I most definitely flash forward through the flashbacks! and thanks! :D

Oh look at us, so introverted and shy. I do envy you for being at a Gaiman signing though.

I mean, I'm even embarrassed to get a book/record autographed at events created to that end, so this sounds incredibly insane to me.

I think I wrote almost the same comment haha.

I've officialy entered a period where I have no idea what's coming next with Marvel. I mean, if you've asked when I thought this was coming I would have said 2019?

On one hand, I really enjoyed Watson's sister and their interactions, they really balanced each other out perfectly in their scenes together; on the other, I fear she may have been introduced this late in the season so that they can kill her off or use her against Joan in some way by the end of it. After all, you

I have to think they shot longer and/or different scenes with Jewel for this episode and had to cut them for time, because this is otherwise a shameful, shameful thing to have done.

You get Jewel Staite for an episode, and you give her what, 5 lines total? COME ON SHOW. It was otherwise OK I think, except for that Kendra flashback subplot (and I'm trying really hard to like her, I swear), and the fact that there was never even a small chance they would kill the little-future-dictator, so there

I basically skip-watched the whole thing, otherwise I would have not finished it in a million years.

I finally finished Avengers Assemble's second season. Nothing spectacular, I still don't understand why they couldn't just continue Earth's Mightiest Heroes instead (I didn't bother looking for a reason either).

Upvoted for iamamiwhoami, definitely adding them to my playlist today thanks to you!

John Grant - Sensitive New Age Man
John Grant - Queen of Denmark
Rihanna - Consideration
Youth Lagoon - Daydream
Beyoncé - Formation (because of course)
Massive Attack - Dead Editors
Phantogram - Running From The Cops
Banks - You Should Know Where I'm Coming From
Parlour Tricks - Broken Hearts/Bones
Brooke Candy - Happy Days

As over the top as this was, I watched this movie right after reading Eisenstein's autobiography, Immortal Memories, and the way the book's written and the way he's depicted here are quite similar to me. He seemed to be all over the place all the time, and in his book he goes back and forth telling different stories

I take it from the last scene that Meisner is afraid of Eve, so I wouldn't be so sure the show wants to imply a possible resurgence of Juliette. I do hope they give her something resembling a character arc this season if they end up killing her again.
As for the episode in general, as the review says, it's amazing to

When that guy said that and then got killed I thought "Well, at least there's death!". Cut to the next scene in the City of Light: "I haven't told you the best part: there is no death either!".
I am not good at predicting plot developments.

I used to work on tech support for AT&T (it was as horrible as you can imagine), and people would always ask me if I was taking their call from Scotland on account of my accent. Which is the weirdest thing, being that English is not even my first language to begin with. My point being, people are weird when it comes

Yeah, I also agree with your list, AND I would add the long hair (sometimes). Redheads are so hard to come by though! At least where I live, I think I've seen a total of two, and they were both straight :(

Not that every experience should be the same, but I felt the same way about overtly gay guys, I would even tell my friends that if they wanted to set me up with someone, he shouldn't be/act like a walking stereotype of what some media perceive to be a gay man. That was, of course, until I met one outside of the