
Definitely, although I admit that I enjoy most of the work both bands have put out. The Strokes show was amazing, they played mostly songs off Is this it, and played 3 encores, which was more than anyone expected, and the crowd was huge (I read somewhere it was their most attended concert ever). And The XX was way

I'm going to Lollapalooza this weekend and I've been listening to a lot of The XX and The Strokes in anticipation. There will be other cool bands playing, but I'm mostly excited about those two. The Strokes in particular I've never seen live so I'm super pumped about that.

Jackie, Arrival, The Love Witch.

The face Steven makes when he says "Pobrecito Esteban!" with the subtitle and everything has been my phone's screensaver since the episodes first leaked.

As far as I'm concerned, shirtless rage is one of the greatest contributions the show will leave to TV history.

I just found The Hilarious World of Depression last night, and listened to the Maria Bamford episode just as I'm coming back from a hypomanic episode. Maria always makes me feel safe, as silly as that sounds, so it was just what I needed to listen before finally going to sleep. I'm not doing exactly well lately, but

Sorry! I was half-sleep when I read the review. For that it's worth I just tagged it, sorry again!

Spoiler! There's a reference to it in episode 3 (I think?), but apparently he didn't always act the way he acts once he's elected (and I that's the last episode I watched so maybe the talk about it even more in the next ones.)

Maybe at first, but over time people get used to it, I get used to it, it's all good. My father still complains he won't get to teach me his secret barbecue recipe though (I'm pretty sure the secret is extra meat).

Oh well all that sounds a bit harsh now doesn't it?

I don't really like anything too sweet. And I'm a vegan. Oh no. I am a hater.

Not so much now but when I was younger yes, people would look at me like I was talking a different language whenever I refused to drink it. And I don't like mate either! (now I just sound like a hater).

I'm from Córdoba, and I can't stand it either. Obviously I've been relentlessly mocked my entire life for it, but still, I just don't like the taste, and with Coke it just gets unbearably sweet for me.

I wish I could say this never happened to me. I wish.

It was a job thing. Otherwise, as you said, you couldn't pay me to be there. It wasn't so bad this time though, I was able to slip away pretty early and get together with people I actually wanted to see.

That's the problem with a cast that big, they'll always short-change someone's story. I hope they get around to show more about her too, but again, I don't really have a very clear picture of the show to think about what I want to happen on it.

No, you're right, it felt really weird to defend the show in that particular point.
What you say about LoT is so true though, but even though it's the show where Sara Lance lives, it's still the one I pay attention to the least, so I don't know what I want to see happen on it. Honestly, before the show was announced

That would be really cool! Although now you've planted that idea in my head and I'll be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
And yes, writing off both Palicki and Nick Blood was super uncool, but on the other hand, I'm really enjoying this season of SHIELD, so maybe they had a solid plan for them that just fell

I'll add Adrienne Palicki and Ming-Na Wen to this list but yes, yes to all you said.

Oh I was obsessed with Storm! I still remember how weirded out people would get when I said that I wanted to be her, being a 9 year old boy growing up in a small town and all that.