
Just read it! They are turning her into a character after all! I mostly thought they were teasing she was alive as a sort of red herring, since Greenwalt was saying everywhere that Juliette was definitely dead, but after reading the interview, I'll trust that they know what they're doing (again, awful wigs

I don't know, I still think that Evil!Juliette was fun, because for once they let her character actually do something for a change, so I think this could turn out fine. Or maybe not, and Trubel will have to kill her (again.)

So, is anyone else happy that Juliette's back?
Maybe now they'll even turn her into an actual character! (plastic wigs notwithstanding)

Well, this is discouraging. But yeah, Liev Shrieber does not strike me as an interesting lead. Honestly I just thought Kate Moennig had stopped acting or something and was pleasantly surprised to see she's still around. Too bad the show's not good.

My film production professor had the absolute worst taste in TV (and in film too, to be honest), so I'm inclined to believe you.

Yay for watchable garbage!

Is Ray Donovan any good? I don't know anyone who watches it, but I recently found out Katherine Moennig's in it, so I was thinking about giving it a chance… Should I?

For a split second I thought it would happen to Fitz, and got very very nervous at the prospect of eventually losing him. I would have been ok with Coulson becoming the bad guy though.

Thank you, it's super late over here and for a second I thought I was not able to read properly.

Didn't I say last week that if Ward wasn't done he would come back stronger? (yeah, I know it's not techically him, but possessed Will looked and talked like regular Will so…) God, it's like he really does exist basically to piss me off.

Everything can be a reference to masturbation if you try hard enough.

I've seen this name written a couple times now and I still can't believe that's the actual name of anything.

I got obsessed with Easily. I was surprised to read that it's Claire's least favorite track on the album.

Came here to comment on exactly the same 2 albums. Well, I would also add Thank Your Lucky Stars, but still.
And I agree, Lana's work is getting better and better.

I agree, there was too much going on. Personally, I would have kept the case of the week on the background, but that's just because I need this show to give Trubel more to do, and now that the reviewer mentioned it, I really want a flashback episode for her (although I'm sure it won't happen.)
That's all I have, I

And then trying to get him to do the dishes if she gave him a very sincere apology. Also when Stewart asks Rose "Is there something wrong with your head?" and Hanna goes "Yes. That's exactly how you two met!"

It would not surprise me.

I'm so extremely tired of Grant Ward. The worst part is that I'm afraid that if this storyline doesn't kill him, I'm pretty sure it will make him stronger.

Dude, you just blew my mind (I know I'm late, I've been binge-watching this amazing show over the weekend.)

As someone who's been interminttently playing Pokémon since the GBC first came out, I definitely believe you.