
I wonder if we'll get resurrected Mary Sibley or ghost Mary Sibley though (both options sound interesting to me).

Could Into The Badlands look ANY more generic?
I liked the first episode of The Man in the High Castle though, so I'm actually looking forward to that one.

I have no idea how it happened, but I watched the entire first season of this show.
Honestly, I can't explain it.

I'm honestly trying to remember it withouth playing the video, but all I can come up with is Radioactive by Marina & The Diamonds. Which I prefer anyway.

I honestly don't remember how this song goes, even after reading this article.
All is not lost.

OK, I'm gonna say this now before people come and say otherwise, but I LOVE Bridget Everett, this is the third season finale that found me singing along with her, it must be really something to be at one of her shows.

Oh God, if this was the series finale I would have been depressed for weeks. That last shot when she says "We walk alone" managed to finally break me.
Now I can't wait for next season, and I shall spend the next months convincing everyone I know to catch up with it.

I appreciate the fact that, unlike other shows/movies that deal with the potential arrival of the devil, they actually went through with it, and now we get to see what happens next. Most of the times as soon as evil materializes on Earth, a last-minute sacrifice/action/spell/travel through time/other random thing

I've been sick, so I decided to binge watch this show. It didn't change my life, and I still would rank Penny Dreadful way above it (I never watched AHS or the other witches shows that people compare to this one), BUT, it still managed to give us really great performances, specially from Janet Montgomery and, this

I just had to upvote this comment.

See, that sounds like something I would want to see live!

I'm so out of touch with the concept that when I read the headline I assumed "Live TV" was a channel.

I like Alexis Bledel. That's all I have to say about that.

I wan't particularly interested in this movie, but action scenes set to The Prodigy could potentially change my mind.

Oh man, I was screaming at the screen, "Dude, don't do it, you don't stand a chance!". And he did, and he didn't.

I did it once. For a very short while. It's hard, and confusing, and a constant blow to your self-esteem, dating/potentially loving someone in the closet. I was young and thought I could handle it; turns out I could, for only 6 months. But yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this other than just generally agreeing

Well, I also took it as the last straw; I got the feeling Hernando just couldn't deal anymore with the consequences of having this secret relationship and all that came with it.

Liza Miller in one line:

I totally agree.
I guess this is spoiler-y…
While I was watching I realized that I was doing something wrong, because I was constantly waiting for the characters to be something else. I was waiting for Daniela to turn on Hernando and Lito, I was waiting for Amanita to turn on Nomi, I was waiting for Wolfgang to

For at least the first half of the show I also called Capheus exclusively "Van Damn"