
Just finished it myself. While I was watching it there were moments where I didn't understand or made connections between the events but moments where everything came together beautifully.
And as you said in another comment, it's all about the connection between the sensates, and I think this season does a good job of

Or in the case of John Green, you'll realize all his books are exactly the same. Seriously, between this, Looking for Alaska , TFIOS and An Abundance of Katherines, you can tell the guy can write only a couple of different characters, and repeats them in different settings. He could have named them all the same and

Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (New Album!)
Hot Chip - So Much Further To Go
Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive
Hante. - Falling From Grace
Deadboy and the Elephantmen - Stop! I'm Already Dead (Thanks iZombie!)
Ambrosia Parsley - Only Just Fine
Talking Heads - The Book I Read
Nick Drake - Things Behind

Yeah, no, I mostly agree. I mean, before this show, I think I watched the first season of Project Runway… when it aired in 2004. I like the theme of this reality show, which is why I want to know more about it, but generally speaking I can't stand the concept of reality TV.

Well it depends I guess. In this particular season I agree with the reviewer in that it all seemed way too staged (I mean, I don't expect much actual reality in a reality competition, but the manipulation was way too transparent in this one, and apparently it wasn't always like that?). And I have watched some clips of

I'll start with season 4 then, thanks!

So, this is the only season of the show I've watched, and to be honest, I was bored at least once every episode. I've also watched parts from previous seasons online, but are there any them worth watching? I was thinking season 4 because Willam, but if it is like this one, maybe I should just stick to the YouTube

This show sounds terrible, but by the power of Allison Scagliotti alone, I will have to watch it.

Do it! I think this is the last Disney show I watched before leaving home for college (and I only watched it when babysitting my sister's kids, but I liked it more than they did).
I never watched this in English though, but I remember Dave's voice in Spanish was AWESOME. If you do it, I'll try to watch along :)

I just love how Todd is getting crazier and crazier with every appearance.

I'm tempted to google this, because something tells me there has to be a XXX version going around…

Can I save that offer and maybe yell at you if I like this but I don't like something else?

Well, I would EXPECT a cliffhanger, what I meant was, is it a good one or a bad one? I guess a good cliffhanger would leave me wanting more, however frustrating that would be. Like I felt when I watched Rubicon or Hunted. No, wait, not Hunted. I was OK with that show ending.

PERSONS UNKNOWN! I was reminded of that show when I read this article but I could not remember the name. I remember being super frustrated when it was cancelled, but I have forgotten most of it.

Now I can't decide whether that's good or bad. Meh, I'll just watch it, 90% of my regular shows are on hiatus anyway.

So, one question before I decide whether to check this out or not: does it end on a cliffhanger that will leave me wanting more and feeling upset in the knowledge that it will never be resolved?

Oh, it is DEFINITELY that kind of song. Great to sing along when drunk too.

I have to tell you, you kind of made my day. I looked the record up online and now I'll be back home in my mind for the rest of the day, so thanks!

Oh god you just reminded me that I need to work on my thesis. I think I'll just finally finish the last season of The Americans instead. I truly hope that everyone out there reading this takes it as an example of what NOT to do though, I've been putting off important stuff all month, and I don't really feel bad about

Upvoted for Sueño con Serpientes, I still have that vinyl at home, my mom used to play it when I was a kid.