
That Regina Spektor song used to give me goosebumps when I listened to it…

Hey I never did this!

Yeah, I totally remember it being a mess and seriously thinking about quitting it a couple times, so I'm expecting that now that time has passed I'll be able to read it from a different perspective. As for the movie, I'm trying not to think too much about what they're gonna do with it, but I also doubt they'll use

I'm almost done with Umberto Eco's Apocalypse Postponed, really interesting read, specially The Myth of Superman and his take on comics in mass society.

I was gonna complain about how lame this movie looks, but then I realized I'll never watch it so, what's the point?

The delivery of the line "I'm not damaged… By that" is one of the reasons why I need more June Diane Raphael in my life.

I like to imagine Eva Green before the season started, practicing how to draw a scorpion with her fingers, until she got it right (I'm sure that's not the case, but still).

I can hardly wait to get my hands on a Lockjaw doll (that will surely dance or do something amusing). I'll be over thirty then, but I expect that won't make a difference.

When Cal said to Skye "You know, you're better than I imagined. And I imagined you perfect.", I could almost hear everyone who's ever complained about her as a character sighing at the same time.

Yeah, but that's such a silly power that I can't imagine how they're gonna pull it off in the movie either. I haven't read all the Inhumans there are out there anyway, so I might be extremely wrong.

I will say, I was half-expecting for the redhead Inhuman to be Medusa, and was kinda disappointed when her hair didn't start to move (yes, I know they probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off in a believable way, but still).

Wow, if you were invested in at least ONE storyline of this show, you can't say they left you hanging with this finale.
I'm quite happy with how this turned out, but I'm gonna have to rewatch it before I can comment properly.

It is… I looked them up on YouTube, and I wish I hadn't.

Maybe they can make a comic out of it, like they did with The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne.

I was screaming at the screen "Don't kiss on that hallway, Ben's blood is all over it! Don't have sex on that bed! What are you doing?"

Oh Revenge, your finale was a mess, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I dont know, after seeing she's gonna be in Winterfell this season I understood that interview with Sohpie Turner last year where she said she had to do her most difficult scenes for this season. I'm really scared for her.

Exactly. I also appreciate the fact that she still relies on her trusty machete to deal with evil wesen.

Well, in this show, Nick's mom killed Adalind's mom and they both seem to be pretty OK with it by now. Adalind and Kelly even got along when Diana was born, before Kelly abducted the child, that is.

I'm liking it so far, I just don't know where the writers will draw the line. The head of the mother of the protagonist in a box was decidely unexpected for this show (even though we had seen heads in boxes before, not the same thing at. all.)