
Well, on one hand, I think this was a great episode for the main cast, starting with Monroe and Rosalee not being their usual understanding and patient selves (when Rosalee is not willing to give you another chance, you know you done wrong). We also have Trubel back! Seeing her decapitate that Hundjäger made me all

They need to keep making him take his shirt off regularly to make sure he's not still bleeding. It's called continuity.

An accidental peyote trip on a sitcom? Meh.

Yeah, that happens way too often… maybe always.
But, Sutton Foster!

I totally agree on this episode not feeling like the one before a season finale. The last episodes to me have felt like a limbo, a safe place where nothing really changes. I don't know, I guess I was expecting something bigger or maybe different by now, maybe the return of Kitty o Moriarty or a Joan Watson-centered

My grandma keeps telling me to watch this movie, is it any good?

I don't own a hot tub :(

After Cloud Atlas I don't understand how it is the entire world is not completely in love with Doona Bae.

This. However, I would also like Sayid to bed a dude or two, now that we are at it.

Stop saying Jesus wept!

Yeah no, I meant the mask. The rest of the costume looked good. I just got too focused on the forehead. The big white forehead became the focus of my already scattered attention during the episode.

She knows her way around a fight scene, which is good. Revenge became horrible by the end, but they did showcase in more than one occassion her fighting skills, There were even katanas involved!

The writers were increasing her fighting abilities gradually when they realized that there's only 2 episodes left and had to speed things up by the power of inconsistency!

Thanks! I was too concentrated on my tea to listen to the words.

It reminded me too much of the costume Summer Glau's character used. The huge forehead thingie wasn't doing it for me…

The stakes at the end of the episode were so high they were actually super low. This episode dragged forever to me, I actually wasn't paying attention at the end. Why did they let Tatsu go before releasing the gas?

Well, he thinks that he's creating them with almighty science, so it's clear that the occult/mythical and what he does in his lab are separate things to him. But yeah, he should be a bit more open minded, all things considered.

Well, lately, May doesn't get to have a lot of friendships period. The trust issues are strong with this one.

She was too distracted thinking of a life without SHIELD (?)

It was weird to me, up to the last scene in this episode I thought Jiaying was pretending to be on Cal's side so that he wouldn't go crazy, but apparently she really does love and believe him. I understand that it was on purpose now, but still, it's hard to be on Cal's side, however awesome he is due to Kyle